Still Mad?

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"Okay class make sure to keep track of which bus you ride and stay with your groups. When your done putting things away load the busses" Professor Nick announced. I turned around scanning the area to see everyone talking and laughing. But only one person stood out to me as he hold his bag and scanned the crowd until he spotted me.

I quickly looked away, making my way to the bus. Putting my things inside the luggage department. I was struggling when Lucas came from behind and put his and mine in effortlessly. He soon turned to me and raised his eyebrows as if he's waiting for me to say something.

"I believe a thank you is required" he arrogantly said before folding his arms. I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. I made my way on the bus and sat down waiting for Soo to sit next to me. Only to see her walk on the bus holding hands with Dante. She noticed and mouthed a 'Sorry' before sitting three seats ahead of me. I sighed and looked out the window and waited till the bus was filled.

I was drifting asleep when I felt someone sit next to me. I glanced to see Lucas laying back with headphones in his ears and eyes closed. He noticed I was looking and gave me a wink. I sarcastically laughed and looked away. "Okay class it's the second trip. I hope everyone have fun and more importantly, release stress. So to help I got us a one week visit to...Troutbeck" everyone cheered and clapped. "Okay okay lets getting going" P.Nick said sitting down now.

I smiled and sat back closing my eyes trying to keep my head up as I sleep. I then felt my head slowly fall to the side but never hitting the window. I opened my eyes to see Lucas hand between me and the window. I turned to him but, he was already looking at me. "Move your hand" I said firmly but yet he didn't move a finger. "Lucas move your hand" he sighed and finally moved. I scooted near the window more and closed my eyes.

"Your still mad..right?" He asked in a whisper. "Am I suppose to be happy when the guy I love tell me that I bluntly mean nothing to him and never will?" He huffed, "so you are mad" I sighed and looked at him. "Do you think this is funny? One minute you hate me then the next you show up and do--all this? It isn't funny." He sat up more and turned to me. "Would it be better if I lie?" He asked calmly.

He watch as I stayed quiet and simply stare at him. "If I would have lied to you then what would be different? You'll still hate me because I won't love you. And that I go around sleeping with other girls, or is that not a problem anymore?" He asked. I shook my head and leaned against the window. "That's not what I meant" he smiled and nodded. "Then what do you mean?" I wanted to say something but I don't actually know what I want to say first. He sighed and smiled, he leaned back again before closing his eyes. I followed suit and made sure I stayed like that until we arrived.


"Okay make your self at home everyone. Since it's pretty late, Make sure to choose a partner and share a room, from your groups see you all in the morning" P.Nick announced before walking away. I turned to see everyone walking away. "Wait aren't we going to choose partners?" They all smiled and looked at Soo. "We already picked them before getting on the bus. Lucas said you both were sharing a room so I thought that you were okay with-him" she explained.

Lucas came in front of me and took my bag. "I'm heading to the room don't be long." He stated walking down the hall and up the stairs, disappearing around the corner. "Koa if I knew I would've made him bunk with Dante"I shook my head. "It's fine have fun, I'll call you if I need you" she smiled and nodded. I sighed and made my way up the stairs looking for Lucas.

I round the corner the corner to see him talking to a random girl. Who was laughing in a flirtatious way. I made my way to them and pushed past them and into the room slamming the door. I sat down on the bed and calmly took a breath trying to hold myself together. I then heard the door open, "you know you could at least try to hide the fact that you like me" he suggested sitting on his bed across the room.

"You could at least hide the fact that your a man whore, But Who's complaining." I said now looking through my bag for night clothes. "Please don't tell me your going to be like this the whole trip?" He asked dramatic before walking near me. I laughed and grabbed my things walking around him, only for him to stop me. "If so then we need to set boundaries" he stated.

I pulled away and looked at him. He was shocked to see my tears slowly falling down. "Koa?"

"Fine for this whole trip don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't stand next to me, don't even say my name, or breath the same air I'm breathing. It's one thing to not accept my feelings and make fun of me. But to upright disrespect me is another. So stay away from me, I don't want anything to do with you...that's our boundaries." I blurted out now making my way to the bathroom.

'I can't believe I have to spend the rest of the week with him..I just hope we stay far away from each other as possible.'


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