Do Whatever You Want!!!!

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"Thank you so much for this it really means the world to me" I nodded and smiled giving Soo hand a light squeeze. She noticed I wasn't talking much and began to say something when Dante came and asked her to come with him for second. I watched as the young couple run away to play a arcade game. "Are you okay?" I turned to see James leaning against a machine. I smiled and nodded, "I hate that" he commented before walking closer to me. He looked straight in my eyes then slightly laughed walking away. I instantly started following him, on confusion.

We soon ended at the basketball game, "come; you might just win" he said paying for both. I walked up and started to play the game, as he proceeded to beat me. We finished and made our way around the arcade. I noticed he wasn't looking at me nor talking much. "Did I do something?" I asked making him stop and look at me.

He shook his head no then walked away. I sighed and ran to catch up to him. I finally caught up and jumped in front of him. "I had to do something, just tell me" I pleaded. He sighed and put his hands inside his pockets. "Let's go inside the mirror maze" he said before completely leaving me. I rolled my eyes and followed him inside anyways. Which needed to end very quickly, I was already lost. "JAMES? WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled as I continued to dump into mirrors, trying to make my way out. "You still haven't noticed me have you?" James asked from behind me.

But when I turned he wasn't there. I sighed and shook my head in irritation. "James stop playing, I'm lost and kinda freaked out" I said as I hit my head on a mirror. "Koa" I glanced up and saw James right in front of me. I reached out my hand and saw that it was nothing but glass. "This is how it feels to be with you, to be able to see you and hear you but never touch you" he said before disappearing."what are you-

"I like you Koa...I like you a lot. Ever since I met you actually. I knew that I would have a crush on you. Then only difference was-Lucas.
Koa, every since I met you I've never left your side. All I ever wanted for you is to be completely happy, even if it wasn't with me." I heard him say as I felt tears run down my face. "I understand that you like Lucas but what about the guy who actually like you. The one who takes his time to understand you. I know you can't jump straight into a relationship but I'm willing to wait" I shook my head wiping my face. I stated trying to walk away only to bump into something.

I looked up to see James smiling down at me before grabbing my hand. "Because no matter how much time you'll need, I'll be there waiting patiently" James said grabbing my hand, leading us out the mirror maze. Once we made it out he gently let my hand go only to put a piece of hair behind my ear. Only to remind me of Lucas causing me to move away. "I know you can't open up to me right away, or if I even have a chance. But that's a chance I'm willing to take" I looked up at him and he simply nodded. "Let's go find the others" I nodded in agreement, we soon found them at a table eating.

We quickly joined them as we enjoyed the rest of the night eating and laughing all or worried away.....

at least for a moment.

"Lola?" Dante questioned looking past me. I glanced to see her walking up to us with red puffy eyes. I instantly got up and made my way to her. "What happened?" She smiled and hugged me. As I hugged her back I saw Dante on the phone taking to who I'm supposing is Lucas. "I need your help" she whispered in my ear. I pulled away looking her in her eyes. I smiled and nodded, "it's Lucas".

As soon as she said that I slowly let go of her and sighed. "Where is he? Is he okay?" Dante asked quickly showing his worry, for his bestfriend. "He's fine but him and mother have been fighting since yesterday and he's changed." She finished looking at me with scared yet worried eyes. I rubbed her arm giving her as much comfort as possible. "He won't listen to me but maybe he'll listen to you or someone he loves more" she said looking around at us. "I'll go" I said walking to Lola side.

"Me too I need to make sure he's okay, Soo come with" Dante said pulling Soo with. We said our goodbyes to everyone and made our way to the parking lot. Dante and Soo taking his car as I walk to Lola's. As I got in looked out the review mirror to see James standing watching us leave.

"I'm sorry I whispered closing my eyes.


"Okay he's in his room but I have to warn you his mental state isn't the best. We have to approach this carefully okay, I don't want to lose him too" Lola stated as she paced back and forward in front of Lucas bedroom door. As we listen to him throw things and scream. Dante suggested he gin in first and as soon as he entered everything got quite. A few minutes later we heard them both arguing and grunts.


We ran in to see Dante on the ground crying. Lucas was picking up bottles of alcohol, chugging it down. We picked up Dante and made sure he was okay before looking back to Lucas. "Why are you here, out of all people?" He slurred irritatedly. "I'm just trying to help Lucas, what are you eve-

"Help who? Me? No way, the famous Koa McCarter wants to help me the lonely, dumb, destructive and worthless Lucas KingsMan. Has hell froze over or am I dreaming" he question taking more sips. "Lucas please just stop drinking and tell us what's wrong with you" I said fed up with him. "What's wrong with me?" He asked taking steps forward. "Leave the room, I want to talk to this one alone" he stated looking me straight in the eyes.

Everyone nodded walking out the room, leaving Lucas and I.

"Why did you come? I thought you hated me?" I sighed folding my arms. "I don't hate you Lucas, I'm just done playing games with you. I love you and you seriously can't accept that. I know I said I understood with your family but never would I have thought you'll use that for an excuse. " I explained, causing him to shake his head and run his hands down is face.

"Im sorry" he said making me roll my eyes. "Your always sorry Lucas, When will you finally just get this together and live happily." I asked walking closer to you. "When will you finally let me go? I continued to show you that I don't value you. That I would rather sleep with everyone then be with you. How could you be so stupid to fall for me?" I now had tears falling down my face as he completed his rant, finishing it with a sip.

I turned and started to walk away when I heard him running after me. I stopped and caught him mid way still running. "STOOPPP!" I yelled causing him to stop and flinch. "IM TIRED OF THIS. IF YOU WANT TO DO THIS AND NOT TELL ANYONE THEN FINE BUT DONT MAKE PEOPLE WORRY OVER YOU. AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, IM WELL AWEAR THAT I LOVE YOU STILL, THROUGHOUT EVERYTHING YOU DID. BUT FROM NOW ON FIX IT YOURSELF, IM DONE FIGHTING FOR YOU...." .


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