Silly Me

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"Koa, Soo come on everyone's gonna get the good tents" Rose yelled pulling us off the bus. We soon found a big enough tent and started to get settled. "Hey girls were going to check out the beach coming?" Dante asked poking his head in the tent. Everyone agreed and made our way to the beach. "Let's gooooo" Soo yelled dragging Dante down to the water followed by everyone else leaving me and Lucas. I began walking away not wanting to be near him. "Koa!" I turned to see Lucas running to catch up. "Your not mad are you?" I huffed and started to walk again.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. "You can't seriously be mad about such a small thing not to mention my childhood friend." I smiled and ran my hand over my face. "Lucas we agreed to do whatever we agreed even though that it self is disturbing but to add to it you still won't answer my question about you and her. You can't tell me that you wouldn't feel the same way." He shook his head letting me go.

"No I wouldn't actually, what you do with other people is none of my business Koa. Also, I don't think answering your question would help neither parties and to top it all off, if you cared to ask, disturbing isn't a word people use to describe my work" I moved away and nodded. I turned and proceeded to walk away but he quickly grabbed my arm AGAIN. "I told you, you'll regret it, why didn't you listen?" I turned to Him snatching my arm away. "Silly me" was the last thing I said to him before walking to the edge of the beach soon finding a big bolder, silently crying my heart out.


Sorry it's short once again,
hope your enjoying the book loves!!

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