Maybe, Right??

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"Koa are you okay you look,-Oh my god you didn't?" I sighed and leaned against the seat. "I'm just tired that's all" she smirked but nodded and pulled me to rest on her shoulder. "Did you at least use protection?" She asked. I nodded and she sighed in relief. I soon started to drift when I felt Soo slowly lift me up and back down. But it felt more hard yet soft. I opened my eyes to see Dante pulling Soo in another seat on the bus. I looked over to see Lucas smiling at me. I sighed and rested my head on the seat in front of me. "Get some rest you were up late last night" he stated trying to pull me to him. I chuckled and pulled away, "I wonder why and stop people will talk" he shrugged and moved closer.

"I don't care about what people say as long as we have an understanding then I'm fine." I looked at him and smirked. "Plus your just sleeping I could be kissing you right now" I blushed and put my head on his shoulder. I sighed feeling content and started slowly drifting into a deep slumber.

I slowly woke up to people getting off the bus. I opened my eyes and slowly moved my head more. When I gained my focus I saw Lucas texting someone.

'Okay I'll be at home come over after your done and remember use your key'

'Yeah I know but don't forget don't tell anyone this is just between us'

'Sure bright see you tonight'

'Okay that could be anyone I don't even know anyone who would call him brig-

"Sara" I said causing Lucas to look at me. He nodded snd put his phone away. "Yeah we're meeting tonight" I nodded and stood up noticing it was only us left in the bus area. He followed and moved so I could get out. I hurriedly grabbed my bags and made my way off the bus. "Koa wait your phone" I heard Lucas scream. I turned to him and waited till he caught up. I took my phone and started to walk away. "Are you mad?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. He walk to me and stared. He then nodded and put his bag down.

"I thought we-

"I know I know, I'm fine" he sighed and nodded. He stared again before leaning down kissing me making my heart do flips. I pulled him closer causing him to smile in the kiss. He pulled away and pecked me again. "I have to go" he said rubbing my head. I nodded and he pecked my lips before grabbing his bag before walking away. I watch him leave as he turned around say goodbye one last time. I waved bye and felt my eyes water. He soon disappeared and I let everything out.

I cried out in agony wishing it'll stop hurting. I wiped my face and continued walking and crying.

'I can't pretend that I'm okay, I can't even pretend that it doesn't bother me but maybe if I try to love him and show him I can love him more than just lust then maybe he'll change..

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