I Love You More.

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Today was my first day since the new position I've gained and it was an understatement to say I was scared. I walked through the building and followed the directions. Once I made it to the elevator I silently pressed the floor button. As I waited, the elevator stopped on another floor. I stepped back and looked down being shy. "Koa?" I looked up hearing Dante's voice. I smiled and waved. Looking over I saw James walking in as well. "Hey what are you doing here?" I showed him my new ID. "I'm the new designer for this company as well. Today is my first day. Also my first day meeting the boss." I explained fidgeting with my fingers.

"That's good babe I'm so proud of you" I smiled and walked closer brushing my hand over his. "Okay love birds let's not make a bad first impression; stay professional" Dante informed us. "Wait you guys haven't met him yet either?" They shook there head and sighed.

Right then the doors opened as we made our way down the hall. Watching people type quickly and talk quietly as possible. Everyone seemed on the edge and some more free if I should say. We continued walking a few before we found a door with the words 'CEO'. We looked at each other before Dante knocked.

"Come in"

We took a deep breath before opening the door and walking in. We walked in to see a man with his back turned towards us. I took time to analyze his body. He was tall, sharp edges around the frame. His muscles we're defined and his waist was almost slimmer. "No way...Lu-Lucas?" Dante stuttered while walking a little closer. The man slowly turned around and blew us all away.


It felt like the world was turning slowly and I could see every spec of dust floating in the air.

I noticed that I was staring and quickly looked away. "What are you guys doing here i thought-

"I'm the mechanical team designer and he's the civil engineering designer." Dante explained before nudging me to talk. "I'm from next doors design company. I'm here to help with the fashion Designing." He nodded and sighed before walking to his desk and pick up some files. "Here; these files are over the meeting well be having in a few hours so make sure to briefly scan through them. Also make sure to haven everyone ready." He announced handing The boys paper work; They nodded.

"And Ms.McCarter please sit we have a lot to talk about" I nodded and quickly made my way to a seat near his desk. We both sat down and was waiting for one of us to say something. "That would be all; you both could go" I turned to see them staring at us. I made eye contact with James to see that he was worried but more mad then ever. He walked out not looking back followed by Dante. "I see that he still hates me" I shook my head. "He doesn't hate you, I just think he doesn't understand you" he sat back and smiled. "Really? Then who really does?" I glanced at him seeing him concentrating on my every move. I felt my cheeks burn hot as I look away and started taking out my iPad.

"I wanted to talk about the fashion line coming soon. As you know this company is indeed multiple different companies combined. Engineering, Fashion, Gaming, and Arts ect.. all of our different divisions are doing well but fashion. We haven't produced anything worthwhile nor eye pealing. That's where you come in, what do you think we should do?" I sighed taking in all his information and wrote down the notes I needed to look into. "I'll need you to send me your numbers from three years ago to now. I'll also need to keep looking around more so I could get the feel of the company." He nodded and handed me papers. I thanked him and looked through the small details. "I'll give them back once I make copies and analyze them properly." I was waiting for him to say okay or something but it never came. I turned to see him staring at me.


"Nothing just-it's nice to see you" I smiled and nodded. "It's nice to see you too" he smiled and nodded. "We should go, I have to get ready for the meeting and you have some research to do" I laughed and got up gathering things, he did the same and made his way towards me. We made our way to the door and down the stairs catching eyes on us. "I'll umm see you tomorrow with the copies, Have a good meeting" he nodded and we parted ways. I walked down the rest of the stairs to see James watching me.

I walked to him and gave him a smile. "James-

"It's okay it's just business, but can you at least promise me something" I nodded as he took my hand. "Whatever happens just do what makes you happy" I frowned at his words holding his hand tighter. "What does that mean?" He let out a chuckle before everyone started making their way to the meeting rooms. "I'll see you later" he said walking around me. I turned "I love you" he stopped and turned to me. "I love you more" then walked away leaving me questioning his words.


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