You'll Leave

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Finally we made it to our destination and when we arrived everyone was currently walking in as well. As I was getting out the car i looked through my bag, & I realized I didn't have my wallet. I sighed and stopped walking, Lucas and Soo noticed and stopped as well. "What?" She asked walking to me. "I forgot my wallet, I should just-

"I'll pay for you" Lucas said and smiled. I returned it and continued to go into the building. Once we were in side we made it to our private room. "OKAY LETS HAVE FUN!" Rose yelled grabbing a drink from the small bar. The way the room was set really unique. The wall in front was see through so we could see into the actual club part. "Your still quiet" Lucas said handing me a soda. I thanked him and made room for him to sit. "Are you drinking tonight?" He shook his head and sighed. "I have something important to do tonight" I nodded and took a drink of soda.

"So tell me, when will you tell me?" I asked sitting back getting comfortable. He followed suit and tilted his head. "About what exactly?" I smiled. "About you, I don't know anything but that your name is Lucas and you go to my school, Tell me more" I informed him and he slowly nodded. "If I do that probably won't talk to me again" I frowned and sighed. He noticed how frustrated I was and inhaled loudly. He then moved closer now making complete eye contact.

"If I show you then--you will leave--just like others" he stated with a hint of sadness.

'I can see it, he wants this too. He want this just as much as I do'

"Try me" he was taken back for second before laughing. "Are you sure you want this Koa?" I quickly nodded. "No focus Koa, look at me, you can't tell me you don't have second thoughts. your a hundred percent want this?".

"If love has a road map I would take it and if he would tell me every single thing he was thinking I would listen. We'll be happy, he won't get hurt and I'll be able to love him...but again where the fun in that?"

"Lucas" He nodded and I just stared at him for a second. But before I could finish he laughed and looked down. "Yeah I thought so" I rolled my eyes as I proceed to put my hand under his chin. "Wha-

"I want you" I stated. He moved back a little and slightly shook his head. "I want you Lucas, I want the bad you, the sad you, the crazy, the loud, the sensitive, the-the real you".

'I've never truly thought about it but I think I actually love him. And I never want that feeling to leave...ever.'

"I want you Lucas, all of you" he then relaxed and moved closer again. "Don't regret it" he stated before getting up and walking away to the bar. "Koa what just happened I was at the bar when I saw you and Lucas about to chew each other faces off?" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "We we're just talking that's all plus I would never do that, were in public" she nodded and we continued our night drinking and laughing all our worries and troubles away.

For now at least.

"Never have I ever kissed my best friend?" Star asked I laughed and put a finger while Soo laughed, blushing. "Okay Lucas your next, but let switch the game to truth and dare" he nodded and put his finger on his chin smiling at everyone. "Truth or dare Lucas?" He shrugged, "truth". I rolled my eyes while reaching to take a drink of my drink. "Is it true you have multiple girls you see every other day?" I slightly chocked on my drink. He noticed and once he noticed I was also looking at him he sighed.

"Wow w-who's th-at?" James asked stuttering. Everyone turned in sync to see a beautiful girl walking over to us smiling. "Hey Bright!" She said walking pass us. We watched as she hugged Lucas slightly tilting left and right. "Guys this is Sara, Sara you know everyone but this is Soo Dante's girlfriend and her best friend Koa" we waved and she smiled back. "Nice to meet you guys" we nodded.

"So what you guys doing?" She asked putting her purse down. "We we're playing truth or dare. It's Lucas turn we asked if it was true that he see girls every other day?" James explained. "We'll then Lucas what your answer?" She asked putting her hand on his thigh.

"True" he said smiling at Sara as she laughed and rapped her arms around his arm. I smirked and continued drinking.

'Does this hurt? Yes more than anything I can describe. Do I feel stupid, embarrassed? Yes highly but I'd be lying if I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I just hope it's not to late to back down'

Soo turned to me and gave me a sad smiled before grabbing my hand.

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