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I was walking down the street to the beach house when I saw two people fighting. I watched closely and noticed that it was Lucas and Sara. I rolled my eyes about to continue walking away when I got a message from James.
"Hey where are you?"
"I'm on my way home actually, why?"
"Oh okay..We'll dance another time then"
"I'm so sorry James I totally forgot..tomorrow I'm all yours"
"You promise?"
"Yes pinkie promise"
"Okay I'll wait for you tomorrow at 10 am"
"Okay I'll be ready"
"Okay get home safe call me if you need me"
"Okay I will bye bye"
"I told you to stay away from her and what did you do huh" he yelled causing her to groan out loud. "I don't like her next to you let alone in your presence. Why must you defend her, I thought she meant nothing to you remember." He sighed and began walking away. "There you go again running away, like you always do. Why can't you just be honest with yourself huh? We've been together for years, before you even met that-that trash" in a quick rush he completely turned making his way back to her.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HER IN THAT MANNER! DO US BOTH A FAVOR AND DISAPPEAR, YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ME AND NEVER WILL...your nothing compared to her" he yelled causing Sara to break down in tears and walk in my direction. She noticed I was there and walked even faster. I looked up and saw Lucas staring at me. I instantly ignored him and continued my walk. "Koa" he yelled trying to catch up with me. Once he did he pulled me to a stop. "Are you seriously mad right now" I sighed and pushed him away. "Couldn't you be more nicer than that, You hurt her feelings." He laughed and folded his arms, "Why do you care about her feelings? I heard what she said at that table. She don't give two fucks about your feelings why would you care?" He asked in confusion.

"Because I'm not a bitch, I can care less on why she hates me. But that doesn't mean you treat her like that. Woman are emotional creatures, have you even thought on why she probably act that way?" I implied while walking away again.

We then finally made it to the house, I quickly made my way in and to my room. Once I opened my door I quickly went in and closed the door. I took only two steps before the there was a knock. "Koa open the door please, I just want to clear things up" he whispered through the door. "I'm not the person you need to clear things up with Lucas" I announced but only made him knock again. I sighed and opened the door, he then walked in and closed the door.


"One there's much to clear up between us and two don't imply things you don't know about" he stated. I nodded and shrugged, "I'm listening" I simply said.

"Okay first, everything with Sara Isn't exactly what hat it seems okay. Yes we dated years before meeting you but that wasn't my choice. My mother decided that it would be a good look for me. I didn't actually love her let alone like her. Second is, why must you treat me differently now? Ever since graduation you've been kinda distant. Did I do something or-" I sighed and he looked even more confused.

"I don't care about you and Sara's relationship all I'm just saying is that you could be more gentle when talking to her or females in general. Especially when you've slept with them" I explained.

"Who said I've slept with her?" I smiled and walked to my dresser. "Well you did didn't you?" I watched in the mirror as his eyes moved from home to the floor. I sighed and began taking off my jewelry. I was to busy to notice him moving closer to me until I felt his hands on my hips. "Lucas-

"I'm sorry--for everything I've ever did. For hurting you, for making you cry, for making you feel less of a woman for every single thing especially for what my mother said to you. I haven't had the right chance to tell you this before we parted back then. Koa I'm truly sorry, please let's just try again" his voice laced with compassion and sympathy.

"I forgive you but I don't think it can be an us again" he sighed and pulled me into a hug. "I promise I won't hurt you anymore, I'll be more honest, I'll --

"Lucas please" I begged as I try to pull away from him. He finally pulled away only leaving a small gap between us. "Are you sure about this?" He asked playing with the hem of my shirt. I sighed out in frustration and nodded. "I need to hear you say it" I looked at Him and he had watery eyes and red-ish nose. "I'm sure Luca" his eyes then let one year fall out his eye before doing the unthinkable.

He kissed me....

'It was laced with agony, pain, love, tension, rage and dominance. I would be lying to myself if I said that I didn't want more. He's changed in ways I can't describe and that only makes me want him more'

His hand then found it self behind my head making me lean back more so he could get more access. His other one was finding my bra strap. He then found strength to stopped and looked at me, leaving us panting. He sighed and pecked my lips one time again before walking away and out the door.



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