I Want Him.

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"It was nice to meet you guys, we should total hang out at school some time" Soo said while hugging Dante. "Totally let's meet up tomorrow maybe we could catch lunch together?" Rose suggested. Everyone agreed and started to say there goodbyes."Hey don't forget we have senior Photos tomorrow dress good okay?" Soo said hugging me. I nodded and started to walk away. "Koa do you live near? I could walk you home it's late out." James offered I smiled. "I'll take her my place is that way anyway." Lucas said walking past me. I said my goodbyes again and ran to catch up to Lucas. We were now walking in complete silence as I studied his figure. Tall and slightly buff. His hair being a beautiful dark brown followed with his mysterious yet intoxicating smile.

"Your quiet, what are you thinking about?" He asked breaking the silence. I shook my head, "nothing just walking". He hummed understanding and sighed. We soon made it to my building and I turned to him. "Do I make you uncomfortable? Showing up to the dinner or walking you home?" I smiled. "No You didn't do anything wrong I'm fine" he stared at me and took a few steps forward. "When I-touched you. Did I make you uncomfortable? Did you like it?" I was taken back on how blunt he is and let out a little laugh.

I looked up at him and found myself lost in his eyes.

'My whole life I wondered if I would continue to make decisions that will hurt me or make me happy. But with him it seems that I don't think much about the decisions I make. And I don't know how things will end. But I know one thing for sure, Rather it hurts me or destroy me. Im willing to fall threw with it..And I don't know why'

"Koa?" I blinked a few times and noticed Lucas was staring at me confused yet curious. His hand came up and put my hair behind my ear.

"Just do it" I slightly whispered. He tilted his head and smirked. "Do what?" He asked fully smiling mischievously. I smiled and stood on my tippy toes. I raised my hand and pulled his head down slowly. "Are you sure?" He asked looking me dead in my eyes. I smiled and nodded.

He took no time to put his hands on my waste and pulled me closer, With no time our lips met.

'Tonight I might have made the biggest mistake in my life maybe the dumbest but we only have one life and right now All I can think about is how much I want this... how much I want to be with him'


Sorry it's short I love and try to start every new page with a new day. But hope you love the story so far enjoy!! XoXo

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