Not Here With You!

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"Halo I said don't do that, sit down" I yelled from the kitchen at Halo as he jump from the table to my T.V. I I was currently fixing him food as I was heading out the house to run some errands and meet up with Everyone. I gave Halo his food, kissed him goodbye and left getting ready to start have a good day.


"Oh my gosh, I've told you like a thousand times no ones knows who will win in that." Dante sighed and shook his head. "Babe it's fine we all know that flash will leave Superman eating his dust." We all laughed at the couple bicker, as we head to our cars leaving the amusement park. "Koa" we turned hearing my name being called just to see Lola. I waved and meet her half way. "Hey I didn't expect you to be here after what happened yesterday." I nodded and she looked behind me. "Oh Umm this is my frie-

"Dante?" She questioned, he nodded and proceeded to give her a hug. Leaving Soo, Star, James and I confused. He soon noticed and laughed, "this is Lola she's Lucas sister." they oh'ed and said there hellos. "I'm sorry to interrupt your night, I just wanted to ask Koa something" she stated. "It's fine, is everything okay?" She smiled and nodded. "Tonight is a special occasion for my family and I wanted to know if you would accompany me" she asked causing my heart to fasten.

"But isn't it important or just for family?" She took out a card and handed it to me. As I read it, 'Something to die for'
-anyone is welcome'

"I would love to hang out with you more plus Lucas is worried about you and it would mean a lot if you assure him tonight." I smiled and shook my head. "He doesn't want to see me, and quite frankly I don't want to see him" I explained.

"Okay well I'm not taking no for an answer, it starts at 8:00 so don't be late. Also make sure to have on something beautiful" she informed me before quickly walking away. I sighed and made my way back to the group. "Is everything okay?" Dante asked, I nodded and continued my day until 8:00.


I was now standing outside a door of huge mansion. "Ma'am may I help you?" A guard asked. "Oh umm I-

"She's with me let her in." I heard Lola say, I glanced ahead to see her with a big beautiful dress. They nodded letting me pass, "wow you look beautiful" I rolled my eyes blushing and proceeded to slowly follow Lola around as she said hey to everyone. As we slowly approach a empty table.

"Okay stay right here, I'll go get us some drinks." I nodded and sat down waiting for her to return. "Excuse me, I'm sorry I saw you by yourself and thought you might need a friend" he said lowly extending his hand. I shook it and he grabbed it harder and pulled it causing me to lean over a little. He smirked letting me go and filled his hands. "So are you a buyer or a lender?" I shook my head. "I'm neither, I'm here with a friend" he nodded and walked closer to me.

"Well how about we ditch this little party and have some fun huh?" I laughed and stood up causing him to smile. "I would rather jump of a cliff" he laughed and put a string of hair behind my ear. "I can make that happen beautiful. And also I would watch what I say. This whole room is full of big timers, the minute you disrespect them. They turn into the big bad guy." He informed me, pushing on my shoulder sitting me back down forcefully.

"How about-

"Koa" I turned to see Lucas behind me with a irritated face. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "Lucas good to see you again. I was just talking to this pretty lady" the guy said causing Lucas to smile. "Koa come we're leaving" I was to shocked to process what he said until they both started looking at me. I nodded and grabbed my bag walking to him.

He put his hand on the back of my neck and softly squeezed it. "Oh and Logan, don't ever talk or touch her again" he said causing the guy smile to fall from his face. Lucas then walked us to the other side of the room where I'm assuming his table was. "I thought I told you not to look for me, How did you even get in here? Better yet why are you here and dressed like that?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm here with your sister. And I wasn't looking for you, you were looking for me. She said that you were worried about me so I-

"She lied" he bluntly said and turned to the crowd of people sighing.

'I asked for a lot of things that happened to me but coming here tonight wasn't one. I knew coming here I would run into him. But I at least thought he would be nice after what he did'

"Come I'll drop you off at home" he said and grabbed my hand. I pulled away and looked at him confused. "I didn't come here with you, I came here for Lola. So I'm not going anywhere. Plus, it seems that you don't want anything to do with me. So how about just ignoring me. That way I won't be such a bother" I said before walking away, causing Lucas to grab my waist.

"Don't make me upset Koa, not here, not tonight" he whispered in my ear. I turned to him and smiled, "or what? You'll tell me how much you don't like me again?" He sighed and turned in the other direction trying to pull me.

"Lucas" we heard a woman say behind us.

We turned to see his mother standing there looking at us smiling. Lucas, strongly gripped my waist and moved me behind him. "Mother" he said shortly and empty of emotion.


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