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I was currently sitting down in the courtyard reading, when Soo and Dante approached me. "Hey Koa what ya doing?" Soo asked as she watch me show her my twilight book. She nodded and nudged Dante, he nodded and showed me his phone. It was his and Lucas messages, I quickly looked away and sighed. "I'm not reading that, does he even know your showing me?" They slumped in there seats before Dante sighed. "Koa look I know your both nit talking but Lucas hasn't been showing up to school anymore and haven't responded to any of my texts. I just want to ask maybe you could give him a few calls or texts?" I shook my head and gathered my things. I was getting up when Soo grabbed my hand. "Please He could be hurt or something he do dumb stuff when he's mad..just make sure he's okay-okay?" She insisted, I nodded causing them to jump in joy and leave the yard. Leaving me alone to brush up on my reading.

I walked up to the second floor to see the engineering majors working. I looked around and didn't see Lucas anywhere. "Excuse me, do you need help?" A beautiful woman asked. I nodded and smiled, "I'm looking for Lucas is he in today?" She shook her head and frowned. "You didn't hear?, Lucas hasn't been coming to class lately and we heard that he's dropping out actually" she explained.

"Then and there my heart stopped, I knew Lucas could go the extra mile. But this was something I can't let him do."

I thanked her and ran all the way to the first building where I saw Dante and Soo eating in the courtyard. "DANTE!" He turned to see me running they both stood up and met me half way. "Koa what's goin-

"Where's Lucas?" He shook his head. I soon felt my eyes start to water.

"Please he can't just leave like this-I-I haven't said sorry." They formed a circle around me and hugged me. I shook my head breaking the hug, "where does he live? I need to see him Dante." He nodded and went back the the table grabbing his phone sending me a text. I quickly got out my phone and saw the address, I sighed and quickly ran away.

~~~hours later~~~

I was currently standing outside a huge house, when someone was coming out the house. She soon stopped when she noticed me, "may I help you?" I nodded walking closer to her. "I'm Koa, I'm here to see Lucas" he eyes soon lit up as she run to me grabbing my hands. "No way Lucas has a girlfriend? Wow and your not even ugly or anything." I thanked her. "Come in I'll see if he's in, I'm his sister by the way my name is Lola" I nodded as I followed her through the amazingly decorated house. "Lola" I heard a older stern voice say. Lola turned to me and gave me a shaky smile. We walked up more to walk in to what look like the living room. We then saw a beautiful older woman looking through papers. "When were you going to tell me you we're here?" Lola sighed, "I just got in a few minutes ago, plus aren't you supposed to be somewhere-not here" the women threw the papers down. "Is that any way to talk to your mother?" Lola laughed and folded her arms. "I don't have a mother and quite frankly, your not welcomed here." The woman soon stood up and made her way to us.

She soon stopped in front of us smiling devilishly before also crossing her arms. She then made eye contact with me before waving slowly. "And who's your-friend?" She asked looking me up and down, before Lola could Asher I walked up and gave out my hand. "I'm Koa I'm Lucas friend, it's nice to meet you" she nodded and looked back to Lola smiling. "So this is what happens when I'm not around? You and your brother use my home for trash and sluts to run in and out of, typical." she stated.

'I've been called a lot of things in life. Especially ever since the incident with Lucas but never have I ever felt more disrespected and ashamed. Not just that alone but to be called this by his MOMTHER, hurts even more'.

"I don't have time for this Lola your coming with me to find your idiotic brother and then off to Paris for business now let's go. C take out the trash and make sure no ones here's about this" a man in a all black suit walked towards me grabbing my arm harshly.

"KOA" I looked back towards the voice that yelled for me and saw Lucas running to me. Once he made it near me he instantly scanned me over making sure I was okay. "What a pleasant surprise, if it isn't my idiotic son."

He quickly grabbed my hand and put me behind him. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a low tone. "We'll something came up in Paris and your both needed." She explained. He shook his head and turned to me pushing me in his chest forcing us walk in a different direction. "I'm not going" we were half way to the door when guards blocked our way. "Let's not make this harder then it has to be Lucas just corporate, I don't want to be here more than you not wanting me here" she said walking towards us.

When Lola blocked her way, "I'll go leave them alone plus I'm heading the Paris anyway" she offered causing the woman to smile and clap her hands. "Fine with me but Lucas darling, I advise you to not disobey me again. We both know the consequences of disobeying me" she warned. He sighed and pulled me out the room all the way outside.


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