I Can't

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-At Lunch-
I walked in the lunch room to see everyone at the table except Dante and Lucas. I sat down causing everyone to look at me. "Koa" James said softly I smiled and waved. "Koa we missed you so much" Star slightly yelled sitting next to me giving me a hug. "So how have you been?" Tae asked right before earning a hit from James. I shook my head smiling before taking a bite of food; hearing yelling. "I don't care I want it back" I turned to see Dante and Soo walking by yelling. "I'll see you guys later" I told everyone before ruining to catch up to them.

"Soo I'm not doing this with you, your being unreasonable." I ran in the middle of them and they just stared at each other. "Soo walk it off okay" she looked at me and huffed before walking away. "Dante what happened?" He smiled and showed me a key. "She wants it back but I won't give it to her. She's only mad because--of everything that happened. I'll make it up to her later" I shook my head hearing his explanation.

"Your later might be to late Dante just go talk to her okay. I'll fix everything just stop fighting with her okay." He sighed and walked away, "wait where's Lucas?" He turned and pointed at the next building where engineering majors are working. I ran over and saw a lot of people talking and working.

I then noticed my bracelet started to glow. I walked through the crowd of people until I made it upstairs to the next floor still not seeing him. Until I noticed a quick glow in the corner of the room. I smiled in relief and ran to him. I stopped in my tracks seeing Lucas pressing his button over and over. I walk to him and stood directly in front of him. He noticed and quickly stood. "Let's talk" I stated before walking outside.

We're currently outside looking out at the view in comfortable silence. "Why didn't you call?" I looked at him confused before slightly huffing. "I wanted time to myself, Plus shouldn't you be more worried about Dante and Soo?" He rolled his eyes. "There fighting over silly things, I have no control or responsibility over any of that." He stated getting irritated. "Lucas! It's all our fault! He can't tend to his girlfriend because of you! Why must you make people worry?! Not to mention he's your best friend, why must you make him worry of all people?!" I yelled.

"I never asked him to run after me, to find me nor to avoid Soo. So if there fighting it has nothing to do with me. There's probably a lack of communication and being childish!" I smiled and moved closer to him.

"That's a lot coming from you. Lucas, every thing you say is misleading and confusing. You use your looks and charms to get into people heads because you know deep down your nothing like that. You hide yourself because your scared of what people will think and say about you. And let's not forget the major part of your life, sex. You use people for sex because you try to wipe away that side of you. You let them think that you'll change or that maybe just maybe things will change. You put up a chase knowing you won't ever change your mind nor would you ever try. You love the game, you chose to do it. And the worst part about it is that no matter how much they love you...you will never love them back." By the end of my big rant I was crying and feeling slightly uncomfortable and pitiful.

"Is that what you think of me? You think that I want to be like this? Huh? You think I want to hurt people?"he asked in disbelief. I sighed wiping my face and turning away from him. He huffed and sniffed. "Out of all people I would have thought--" he stopped half sentence before turning to look at the view. "Tell me" he simply said while putting his hands in his pocket.

He turned fully towards me and stared at me. I soon followed his actions and waited for him to talk. "Tell me that you don't want this anymore"

'There it go...my heart breaking all over again slowly but surely'

"Tell me that you never want to see me again at least in that way. That what we had won't happen again. We'll ruin our friendship if not and I don't want that. So tell me, tell me your true feelings" he said.

'I felt my heart rate speeding up as I watch as he stare at me waiting to say I wanted to be just friends again...But I don't want to'

I shook my head as I let tears flow down my face as my heart break into a million peace's knowing what about to happen will be my fault.

"I can't" I stated looking down, now brave enough to look him in the eyes.


"Because I-I love you"

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