Stay Away From Him.

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'These months (6) have been longer and brighter. The moon shines at night, the sun shines on the shadows. People smile more and sometimes even talk more. Life is just great, still thinking of you'

"Koa? You haven't touched your food, it'll get cold" James said looking worried. I smiled and took a bite of food. He smiled watching me eat, "so tonight everyone was going down to this new restaurants eat and catch up. You wanna go with?" I nodded and smiled. Me and James have been the happiest that we could and I can honestly say I love him. He's everything I wanted and more not to mention all mine. "Come break is almost over" we hurriedly left the small cafe and walked down the street to our buildings. "I'll see you later have fun" I smiled giving him a kiss and walking inside.

"About time I was getting bored" Soo said running up to me. "Where's star isn't she supposed to be with you?" She sighed, "Leo came and took her to eat as well she should be-

"Isn't a beautiful day today?" We heard Star ask walking up to us waiting for the elevator. We all laughed and headed in the elevator going to our designated areas. "Koa Mr. Don wants to see you" I quickly got up and ran down the isle coming to a stop in front of a gold and black door. I knocked and heard a quite come in. "Miss McCarter, I have big news for you. I have a offer for you, this company next door is looking for a new look. And after them going through all our collections they've picked all of yours. So congratulations you'll be working designing for both companies, tomorrow is when you'll start. That's all and congratulations I'll hand you the files later; and again congratulations." I thanked him and walked out back to my seat. I sighed and did a fan girl dance before getting back to work.


After shortly finishing work Jame and I made our way towards the restaurant with Soo and Dante following behind. "Are you sure you want to come? It's going to be our group, along with others from our class; And he might just be there" my skipped a beat hearing the conversation he was trying to start. I sighed and pulled my seatbelt closer. "How about we not go?" I looked at him confused. "I mean if your not ready then I completely--

"If I didn't know better I would've thought you were more scared then me" I stated causing him to shift in his seat uncomfortably. "James?" He sighed looked at me while we wait at a red light. "It's not that I'm scared it's just both haven't seen each other in months and might have so much to say to each other. But what if he still loves you?" He said in a worried tone. "So you think I would leave you?" I asked starring in his eyes just to be interrupted by a horn. He began driving for a few minutes before he parked the car. I was getting out when he pulled my hand, "I didn't mean to make you upset but-

"You don't trust me" I bluntly said opening my door, and proceeded getting out. I was walking to the building only to be stopped. "Koa please, let's not fight okay but can you at least see where I'm coming from?" I sighed and folded my arms. "Let's say he's in there waiting to talk to me. What do you expect me to do?" He unfolded my arms and kissed both of my hands. "Koa I don't want you talking to him" I yanked my hands away and continued into the place. Where I soon found everyone, I sat down next to Soo and ignore James all night.

"Okay let's order now" we all agreed and ordered, continuing our night smiling and reconnecting with everyone.


"Bye bye, it was nice seeing you all again" Star yelled drunkly swaying back and forward. "Bye guys see you tomorrow, come on let's get you home" Leo said walking himself and Star to his car. "Drive safely, see you at work tomorrow" Dante stated hugging James and I. Sara waved good bye sweating back and forward. Causing Dante to put her on his back, then watch as the disappeared from sight. Once they were gone I turned to James. I simply passed him and made my way to the car.

Through the whole ride we said nothing, letting the sweet sounds of the radio tunes. Shortly we pulled in front of my building. I silently but quickly got out the car. "Koa" I turned and watch James run to me and pull me into a sweet yet forceful kiss. "Please don't be mad, I just don't want to lose you. Please just try to see it from my point of view" with that being said he left my side getting back in the car; driving off.

I walked in the building all the way up to my apartment. I sat down on the bed and laid down looking at the ceiling.

"See it from my point of view"
I sighed and let myself fall into deep thought about what happened today.


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