Can He??

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"I don't care you simply don't eat with your mouth full" Soo said folding her arms as she watch Leo chew his food irritatedly. We are currently in the kitchen watching Dante, James and Lucas cook breakfast. "So what should we do today? But for sure we're going to take a walk around the city tonight" Soo announced/asked the boys. "We're down for whatever you all want to do" James said putting a plate of in front of me. I smiled and thanked him before eating. Soon everyone else came into the kitchen, waiting and asking for food. "So did--

"Ohhhh something smells so good?" Everyone stopped eating and turned to see Sara walking in. She smiled and waved at everyone, "Congratulations to everyone, today I'll be taking you all to a party tonight so be ready by 10:00." Everyone cheered and continued talking. "Hey you I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?" Sara said walking next to me. "I'm doing fine, how about you?" She nodded and glanced towards Lucas. She then walked away not even answering my question. She then reached Lucas, putting her hands around his torso.

He quickly turned and pulled away. He then glanced at me only for me to look down. "Can we talk?" She asked pulling his arm. "I'm in the middle of-

"Hey I'll take over, it's fine" James said pulling out more plates. Lucas sighed and nodded leaving out the room. "Hey are you okay?" James asked giving me a glass of water. I smiled at him and nodded. "Hey about that night, I'm sor-

"Hey it's fine as long as you give me a dance tonight, At that party." I smiled and quickly nodded. "Guys come on we're heading to the hills. We heard, if you walk up at this time you'll have good fortune" Star explained to us. We both nodded and followed her out the house.

"Okay everyone's here let's go" With that being said. Everyone took off into the beautiful forest with laughter and nothing but the cool breeze to keep us going.

One hour passed and I been in the back of the herd, enjoying the breeze as it flows through my short yet mid length hair. "You haven't changed" a voice said from behind me. I took a glimpse over to see Lucas. He smirked and gave a slight chuckle. "What?" I asked causing him to sigh. "Your still the quiet girl I remember" I agreed and continued walking. "So have anything changed since I've been gone?" He asked curiously. "Yes and no, I guess you can say what's changed is something you can't see." I explained.

He nodded and put his hands in his pockets. "Are you sure?" I glanced at him showing my confused face, making him laugh. "What does that mean?" He shrugged. "GUYS LOOK WE MADE IT TO THE TOP" Soo yelled causing everyone to look at the amazing view. I walked to the edge and looked down on the amazing beautiful view. I was watching the view when I left someone watching me. I turned to see Lucas watching me in a questioning way. "Why" I asked getting irritated not being able to hear his thoughts.

"Nothing I just don't think you've changed" he stated before moving closer. "I know you koa, and I don't think you've changed. I think you have a good understanding of things now..that's all" he said putting a peace of hair behind my ear. I moved back and returned my gaze to the view. "Let's not do this, we both know the outcome" I declare before turn ring and walking away. Only for him to pull my arm causing me to be pulled back into his cheats.

"Koa?" A voice said from behind Lucas. We both turned to see James with two waters in his hands. Lucas sighed and turned back to me. "I guess you really have changed." He confessed sadly rolling his eyes and walked away. I watch as he made his way to the others. "Koa" James said breaking me from my trance. He smiled and handed me a water. "We're walking back down soon, so I thought you'll need some" I thanked him and took a sip of water.

"It's beautiful isn't it" he asked looking at the view once more. "Yeah it is" I agreed while taking another sip. "Hey look" he started quickly turning to me. I did the same, giving him a reassuring smile. "I know that you probably still like him..even love him. But I meant what I said, I'll wait and fight for you Kia for as long as I can" I shook my head in complete distress. "James I can't do that" he quickly grabbed my hands in confusion and rush.

"Why? I told you I'm okay with loving you even though-

"Well I'm not, I don't want to hurt you it's not right" I state before pulling away from him. "GUYS WERE LEAVING" Leo yelled at us as everyone started walking away. "I'm sorry" he sighed and walked away. I let out a short breath as I followed behind everyone.

'Something in me tells me that I've made the right decision...but why do it hurt so much to walk away from it.'


We are currently at the party Sara invited us to and if I'm behind completely honest it wasn't my cup of tea. I am currently walking around the back yard as I see everyone dancing and kissing. I walked to the drink table to see Sara. "Hey you" I waved and continued making a drink. "You know you never had a chance with him right" I completely came to a stop taking in what she just asked. "Excuse me?" She laughed and folded her arms. "Lucas isn't the typical guy, he's much more and you stood no chance with him. So let me make myself clear, stay away from him" she said while giving me a small smile.

I gave her a smirk and nodded before taking a sip. "I'll stay away from him, but can he stay away from me?" Her smile dropped and began to glare at me. I waved bye and walked away not even giving her a glance back.


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