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"Oh my god I can believe you did that" I said laughing continuously. "It's not funny, that could've happened to anyone" he defined his self. "Yeah anyone could accidentally kiss someone" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and smiled. I ate one more bite of food before finishing my water. "So what now?", I shrugged and looked around noticing a pool table. "We could play pool" I suggested while pointing behind him. He nodded and we made our way to the pool table. "Do you know how to play?" He asked while cracking his fingers. I sighed "yes and no, I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I can" he nodded and walked to me.

"Get a pool stick I'll set the rest" I nodded and headed to get a stick for the both of us. When I can back he was ready. "Okay do it like this just Aline your stick up with you ball and hit" I did as instructed but still Missed. I tried once again and yet another miss. "Here let me help" he walked behind me and slightly bent and angled me as much as he could.

"Okay now hit it but not so rough" I nodded and for sure this time.....I missed.

We both got up and faced each other. "Welp it's proven I can't play pool". He smiled and rubbed my head. "Doesn't matter, as long as you have fun." I nodded and continued to look at him. His smile slowly faded and moved closer to me. I then felt his hand land on my hip. I then find myself also moving closer lost in the trance. Soon enough our lips was lightly touching and that's when it happened.

My phone ringed....

Damn it

I sighed and pulled my phone out to see Soo calling me. I notice him still holing me, "I'll be right back okay" he nodded and slyly let go. I made my way to the restroom. "What Soo?" I said aggressively. "Damn don't tell me he left you; you seem mad?" I sighed and continued. "No Soo ACTUALLY we're in a restaurant eating and playing games" she screamed.

"Okay I'll leave you alone now, I just wanted to let you know I'll be at my 'FRIEND' house so I'll meet you at school tomorrow," I sighed hanging up the phone. I made my way back to Lucas to hear something I wish I haven't. "No I'll see you tomorrow just stop calling tonight okay? --okay".

'Right then and there I should've left. It was a red flag. But something wouldn't let me nor did I really want to'

I continued to walk to him, He then notice I was back and quickly put his phone away. I smirked and made my way to my seat. After sitting down I stared at him suspiciously. "Is everything okay?" Lucas asked now sitting besides me, I nodded. "So what do your girlfriend think about you staying out late with another girl?" I bluntly asked. He smiled and fully turned to face me. "I don't have a girlfriend It's more of a... A platonic friendship" he stated. I nodded and sat back in my seat.

'So he doesn't have a girlfriend but people he talk to or have sex with? Why? Does he have commitment issues? Or does he just want sex?'

"Then what about us what exactly are we now?" He tilted his head taking in my question.

"Friends?, Best Friends?, Buddi-

"Special Friends" he said calmly. I looked at him and folded me arms. He smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"What makes me so special?" I shyly whispered.

He leaned forward and reached for my seat, pulling me near him. He afterwards proceeds to watch my every move, as I calmly yet mentally panic. "That's all up to you to decide." He stated as we both just sat there stare at each other.

'Sometimes we can't help but to panic and try to remove or deny moments like this and usually we run away from the feeling. But me, I want to feel it forever maybe at any coast'


"Thank you for tonight I had fun" I stated as I unbuckled myself. He nodded and turned to me. He watch as I gather my things and exit the car. I walked up to my building and proceeded to press in the code. "KOA!" I turned watching Lucas run around his car. He stopped in front of me and smiled. "We should have each other numbers just in case you miss me" I laughed and shook my head.

He laughed and handed me his phone, with me surly following his actions. When I was done I noticed he was just watching me. I snatched my phone and quickly ran away blushing.


Once out the shower I laid down and made sure to give my baby Halo (my cat) his favorite pillow and plugged my phone in. As I was falling asleep I heard a beep on my phone. I sluggishly grabbed my phone and saw it was from "Lucas" I smiled and quickly went to his message.

'Did you make it in safe?'

I smiled and started having a full blown fan girl moment kicking the sheets.

'Yes I did, thank you for asking and for today again'

'Thank you, I haven't had fun like that in a while. Goodnight Koa sweet dreams'

'Goodnight Lucas, sweet dreams'

I turned my phone off and held it close to my chest. Halo then moved his body closer to me and purred. I smiled one last time before drifting into dream land thinking of Lucas.

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