Just Don't Leave Me

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-one weeks later-
'I've been sitting here in my room eating ice cream and crying continuously. I haven't been to the school after the incident and this is my last day to cry my eyes out before Monday come and back to school I go. I haven't put much thought in about everything thing that happened or about what's going to happen but one things I know fire is--I'll never be seen the same and Lucas and I well-I don't know'

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard knocking on the door. I walked to the camera screen to see it was Soo. This has been her tenth attempt to reach me along side with nonstop texting and calling. I sighed and made my way back to my bed. "Koa please open the door, I need you. We haven't talked in a whole week now and I'm worried about you." She stated. I laid down and pulled the cover over me and Halo. "Koa please....I have no one else to turn too, Dante and I broke up" I shot up and ran all the way to the door opening it causing Soo to jump back.

"Why? What happened?" She started crying and hugged me.


We are now currently laying down looking at the ceiling. "We had a fight over Lucas. He was spending to much time taking care of Lucas. Making sure Lucas do this, Lucas do that, it was getting irritating. Plus why would he care he did this to himself" she pushed out using her last breath before inhaling. I looked at her and gave her a side hug. "I'm sorry this is my fault I should've just talked to him or at least came back to school" she shook her head and hugged me back. "Like I said he did this to himself, your the victim here Koa. If you need time then take it. But there's absolutely no reason for him to throw a tantrum" I smiled and laid my head on her shoulder.

"I can't hate him, but I can't help loving him. I feel completely stupid for going along with his games" she sighed and hugged me tighter. "Koa no ones mad that you love him just try to love him from a distance that way you won't hurt anymore. Also, whatever you choose to do I'll be behind you ever step of the way" I nodded and slowly start to drift to sleep. "Just don't leave me again" I hummed in response before letting the darkness take over me.

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