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I groaned and rolled over trying to find my phone. "Hello?", "KOA GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW OR YOU'LL MISS YOUR TEST ! YOU HAVE 30 MINUTES AND COUNTING!" Soo yelled in my ear. I rolled over and sat completely up looking around the room for my clock.

10:00 AM!

OH MY GOD! I hurried and made my way to the closet and collected my clothes before running into the bathroom and getting everything started.

Finally I was done and hurried and grabbed my bag and books. I then kissed Halo and opened his food box for him. "Bye Halo be good Love you!" I yelled leaving out now about to start my run to school.

"Okay class everyone take seats we'll start in two minutes." I heard the teacher yell from the classroom. I ran a little faster until I saw the teacher about to come to the door. I smiled and waved. "Nice to see you Koa." I smiled and ran up to Soo. "Thanks I over slept" she smiled mischievously and grabbed my arm. "Don't tell me it was all night long" I looked at her confused before I put two and two together. "Oh god Soo no, I got home late that's all and I should be asking you that." She shrugged and handed me some of our favorite gummy bares.

~~end of class/Last class before lunch~~

"Okay that's all class now bring your papers up and I'll see you all next time." We all started packing and that's when Soo nudged me. "So tell me all about last night how was it?" I smiled thinking about my day last night. "Umm nothing much just went to eat and talk that's all." I explained. "But your blushing and you never blush unless your embarrassed. Did you at least get his name, age or how about what school he go to?" I shook my head smiling as she rambled on and on. We were now in the lunch room, sitting down eating some snacks Soo packed us as usual.

"So was he everything you wanted and more?" She nodded and squeezed my arm. "He's much more, he so sweet, kind, funny, total geek and not to mention he's a handsome guy who goes to this school, which you know." My smile expanded. "what's his major?" Her being the extra person she is flipped her hair and put her hand under her chin. "He's a Engineering Major." I nodded and took a Bite of my sandwich. "Anyway this month is senior activities and I really want you to participate in ever single one". I shook my head getting up throwing my food away and walking out the lunch room.

"Oh come on please, This is our last year and I want to go out with a bang! How about this, if you say yes then I'll move in with you" I quickly looked to her seeing her smile as she hold my arm. "That sounds more like a reward for you. How about if I go through with everything you PROMISE me you'll think about college?" She groaned loudly and let go of me. "WHYYYYY?" I stopped and pulled her to a stop. "Because I want to make sure everything you ever wanted happens I care about you. Plus who's going to watch you if I go to college?" She sighed as I explained.

"It's New York City Koa no ones ever sleeps so technically everyone's watching me and if things go good with Dante he'll watch me" I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "Fine I'll look I promise but I guarantee I'll be just fine." I nodded and we hooked hands again.

"Hey you can take the car I'll be meeting up with Dante, I'll see you tonight." She hurriedly said giving me the keys and walking away from me. "WAIT SOO WHATS HAPPENING TONIGHT" I yelled. She turned and showed me her phone. I looked down and saw I had a message from her.

'Tonight we're meeting up with Dante friends. Maybe one of his friends can be your new thing if mystery guy don't make a move.
Ps: Wear something cute'

I sighed and made my way to the car.

This is going to be a long night-

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