Rethink Our Relationship.....

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I was walking inside the building when I was stopped by James. "Hey baby" I said giving him a big kiss and hug. He smiled and sighed, I watched as he scanned my body. I gave him a twirl; "do you like it?" He nodded. "But only for me to see" I rolled my eyes playfully and folded my arms. "Really?" He sighed, "I just think it's to revealing for work. Don't you feel a little underdressed?" I huffed. "No actually think I look hot not to mention I am a fashion designer. My outfits makes statements for me so I won't have to" he nodded and put both his hands on my shoulders.

"Yes and it's saying your an open book" he stated. I'm my eyes slowly widened, I looked down and nodded. I began walking away only for him to pull me back making me quickly turn to him giving him a death glare. "I didn't mean it like that okay. It just came out like that. What I'm trying to say is; just wear something different next time please." I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why? What's this about?, be honest" I asked walking closer.


"James" we turned to see Lucas walking inside the building. He waved at me and turned to James. "I was actually on my way to your area. I wanted to talk to you about the designs, meet me in five" he said his goodbyes and walked away. As James watch Lucas walk away, I swear you could see flames erupt from his soul. "It's because of him isn't it?" I asked folding my arms. He nodded and grabbed my hands trying to relax me. "Just cover up more please?" I shook my head pulling my hands away walking upstairs to my new office.


"Ms.McCarter, Mr.KingsMan wants you" I nodded and walked to his office. I knocked and waited for a soft yet firm come in. Once I got one I walked in and made my way to his desk. He was concentrated in his work to notice I was still waiting. I smiled as he scratched his ear in confusion which was something he used to always do. He finally noticed I was here and smiled in frustration making my heart do a flip. "Sorry umm I wanted to ask have you looked through the paper work yet?" I nodded not trust my voice. "Okay we'll what should our approach be? I'm currently looking through today's trends and numbers but I don't quite understand" I smiled and reached out my hand.

I looked through it and started to laugh. "What?"

I gave back the work, "it's just showing the trends depending on the location and systems. It shows the apps they also get inspiration from as well, use that as an advantage" he nodded and sighed. "Thanks so have you decided on a them or even a design?" I nodded. He lifted his eyes brows waiting for me to finish. I sat back and crossed my legs. "How did you survive without me?" I playfully asked while taking out my phone. "I have no ideas." I laughed and handed him my phone. He scanned through the photos till he stopped as his eyes got bigger. He smiled and showed me the picture he was looking at. It was a BTS group picture cropped with me.

I quickly got up trying to grab my phone but kept missing as he put it over his head. We we're in the mist of playing around when we didn't know his door opening. Until we heard someone clear their throat. We turned to see James with files in his hands. He walked over passing me completely without a single glance. "I've checked everything you wanted and wrote down what's needed." He informed with a demonically voice. Lucas hesitantly nodded and looked at me in confusion. Without another word James turned and began walking back out the room.

"Oh and you should probably behave with other employees. Words get around fast, They would think you have a thing for Koa" I huffed and walked closer to him. "Let's just go" as I tried to pull him out the room he moved back.

"Well?"Lucas sighed and put the files down. "Well what James?" He asked calmly.

"Do you have a thing for her? We're not in college nor high school anymore; let's behave like adults" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Lucas got up and made is way around his desk sitting on the edge. "Well if you must know, no I don't have a 'thing' for Koa. We both made it clear what we wanted long ago. No need to be so protective." James shoulders slowly fell with a light sigh. "Plus, I'm pretty sure it's not really up to me or you. If she chooses to be with me and not you, I would hope you still have respect for her wishes." James laughed.

"Well do you? Can you honestly say you respect her decision?" Lucas smiled and made his way back to his seat. He looked at us and nodded, soon quickly turning his gaze to James. "I don't know, do I?" He watch as his face lose slight color and smirked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone and headed to the door. I walked down the hall as fast as I can only to get stopped. "Koa look-

"No you look, I can't believe you just embarrassed me like that. I told you there's nothing going to happen" he noticed people starting to stare and walked us to the balcony. "Why can't you see that he's going to try something, huh? He obviously loves you still, why can't you just stay away from him?" I let out a agitated groan. "I'm not doing this with you again" I said walking around him, only for him to jump in front of me. "Why are you so annoyed by this? Is it because you probably love him still? I looked in his eyes and saw nothing but confusion and anger, I sighed. And moved away from him.

"Even if he loves me still, I don't think of him that way. Yes I regret hurting him and feel that I should at least be nice to him. But I would never cheat on you, and the fact that you question me only makes things worse." I said, watching to see him only stare at me in disbelief. "Rather you believe me or not, there's nothing between us. And if you can't live with the fact of me getting along with him as my Boss and friend then.....maybe we need to rethink this relationship" I then walked away and made my way to the restroom to hide in a stall and silently cry.


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