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Chapter 44

Sanket's POV

I'm sitting in the pool, actually out of the pool with my legs in the water. Aashna and the others are out for scuba diving and I'm here, sitting remorsing on losing my best friend, Randhir as to what he did to me.

Aashna did want me to come with her, I wanted too but my thoughts pulled me back. I was thinking about Randhir and all these years he's helped me. I was too sad and I couldn't let my sad face ruin Aashna's happiness.

That wasn't my only reason to stay back, I also had to recover all the things which were left out on my computer, well because Randhir isn't there. Usually he's the one who does things related to my confidential information, now I'll do it, adding to my whole lot of work.

Don't misunderstand me, he not only helped me with work but his only presence, supported me throughout. His presence made me believe that I can do it, further in business. He used to talk and help me out when I thought I couldn't do it any further, not only in work but also in my personal life, in relationships with Rahul and all shitty relationships I've ever had.

I sit there and think all about my miseries and I hear a voice calling out for me. My biggest enemy, my misery, Zaeden.

"What are you doing here?" I clench my jaw recollecting all the things he has done with me, Aashna, planning the whole attack thing on her, hurting her! I get up from the pool to stand infront of him. All the bad memories flood through my mind and I almost hit him but he stops my punch.

"Calm down, Mr. Singhania." He says in his irritating monotone voice.

"Ofcourse. I will. After the three attacks you planned on Aashna? Literally causing her almost death in one of them?" I raise my eyebrows mimicking his monotone voice.

"Okay okay calm down, Mr. Lover boy. Firstly, I did plan those but never intended to kill her. Secondly, it was all your 'best friend' Randhir." He emphasises on the last words.

"I know that. But you fucking planned it. How could you do that? Is she not your ex girlfriend? How can you ever do that to someone Zaeden?" I try to bring him some sense.

"Yes she was my ex girlfriend but I never fucking loved her. And I planned an attack on her because I know, she's your weakness!" He shrugs.

"Right. You're so coward that you couldn't attack me, rather Aashna." I say and he shakes his head.

"Nah, I'm smart that's why I attacked Aashna." He says with a smirk and I scoff.

"Can you just fucking leave us, leave from our lives now? Or do you want us to die?"

"Nah. Death will be too easy for you. I want torcher to happen to you. I want you to break like I did when I was a kid. Remember?"

"Don't bring that up. That's past and you should forget it now!" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I can't. That's the thing that caused hatred and rage to erupt between us." His voice gets louder.

"I know that and I had no fault in that. Anyways, what do you want now? You already took Randhir away from me. That's what you wanted right? To break me? Guess what. You couldn't. I'm don't fucking need or care for him." I lie.

He scoffs before saying, "you're lying. He was your best friend, your buddy and assistant! You're broken right now and that's why you're here in your misery while Aash is enjoying scuba diving." He smirks.

"How the fuck do you know that? And don't fucking call my wife as Aash. Actually don't even say her name from your evil mouth!"

"I know everything, Mr. Singhania. Okay I'm gonna leave now, leave you in your misery! Just came here to check on your sadness and depression, oh and your broken heart from Randhir!" He mocks.

I clench my fists but let him go. But before going, he whispers something in my ear.
"But one more thing, you know who was the one who kissed her first? Me. Who was the one who made her feel loved? Me. Who was the one who she loved first? Me. We were in a relationship of two to three years. You think she'll forget me so easily? You think she loves you now? Ha! In your dreams. She still loves me. And even if she doesn't, I'm her first love and she'll eventually come back to me."

My jaw and fists clench tighter and I can't wait no more, I have to hit him hard. Before I know, he leaves with a smirk plastered on his face.

But wait, is he actually saying the truth? I can't deny the fact that he was her first love and first everything. No matter what he's done in life, she can go back to him. She loved him with all her heart as she told me.

Will she leave me for Zaeden?

My eyes already start to glisten with the thought of her leaving me. I can't bear this thought. Her leaving me for Zaeden, me living in my misery, in my sadness and that previous sad life of mine. I don't want that back. She was the one who filled my life with her light  and for my own selfish reasons, I can never let her go. I can never let her leave me.


Short chapter! But last one was longer so don't mind this one 😉

Sanky having double thoughts about Aashna leaving him. Again.

Us @ Sanket for having double thoughts and coming into Zaeden's words, believing him :

Us @ Sanket for having double thoughts and coming into Zaeden's words, believing him :

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