Chapter 2: Atlantia

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The young werewolf was obvious confused why his wolf popped to the surface for a moment if his face was anything to go by. He exchanged a look with a teen boy sitting diagonally behind him to his left before forcing his attention to the front when the teacher began talking. I was correct to assume that there was a quiz today which I was excused from but the teacher took the time during the quiz to give me some assignments for the weekend. He told me I would have two weeks to get these done since he knew it would be a lot to do but I could also get an extension if I needed to. I thanked him as I looked over the reading list and the few essays and assignments I would have to complete. As I began planning which assignments to tackle first, I kept glancing at the werewolf trying to decide what I wanted to do. By the time class ended, I had decided to just let the werewolf pack approach me if they wanted to. It was the best option if I wanted to try to continue to try to live a normal life since if I approach the pack, they may interpret that as me wanting to stay connected in the supernatural world which was something I was trying to avoid.

So, at the end of class, I quickly moved out of the classroom before the teens could talk to me. I made my way carefully to my next classes which happen to be chemistry and unlucky for me the two teen boys were right there as well. There also happen to be a pop quiz in the class which this teacher didn't feel like exempting me from. Luckily I was a child of Athena and Annabeth had decided to make sure I kept up on all my studies even if it meant I had technically finished high school level work when I was ten since there wasn't much to do during the school year at Camp Half-Blood.

I was on the opposite side of the room but I could instantly hear one of those boys begin to whisper to the other. I had turned down my hearing since the high school noises were agitating my ear so I couldn't hear what the boys were talking about. However, the teacher could hear them or at least hear them talking so he spoke up.

"This is a pop quiz,, Mr. Stilinski." Mr. Harris, the chemistry teacher, said sharply, "If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." I roll my eyes at the teacher's dramatics.

"Can you do that?" Stilinski asked curious.

"Well, there it is again. Your voice." Mr. Harris said ignoring the question. "Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently." There's snickers around the room as everyone continues to take their quiz, "I'll see you at 3:00 for detention." The werewolf turned around slightly causing him to add, "You too, Mr. McCall?"

"No, sir." McCall immediately responds before focusing on his test. Moments later as I continued working through the short quiz, one of the teens rushed out with a bloody noise but unlike the others in the room, I knew something was wrong. His blood was black which surprised me because I knew what that meant. The pack here must have recently tried to turn him but his body won't accept it. I just hope he doesn't turn into another creature because that would be bad news.

After chemistry with the huge list of assignments to complete, I had economics which was boring even if the teacher had the funniest personality I had ever seen. However, he was the first teacher to just let me go with no assignments so that made me like him a lot more. Before lunch I had latin since that was the language I chose which was so far the best class. Since I spoke Latin fluently, it was my easiest class to get through which was good because I was loss in thought most of the class thinking about the werewolf problem.

By the time lunch rolled around, I decided to just let the werewolves find me if they wanted to see if I was a danger. I could always hope that they didn't notice that I was also some sort of supernatural creature but that would be idiotic to think so I don't. Instead, as I sit at a table that I was joined at by some of the members of the lacrosse team and their followers, I keep a watchful eye on the known wolf while keeping up the conversation with the students. It actually felt nice to chat with people my age since I was alone for the last four years but I was still glad to hear the bell ring signaling the start of our next class which for me was geometry. Because of Annabeth's tutoring, the class was pretty easy which was good since this teacher also didn't care that I had just joined the class so I had to take the unit exam that the other students were taking. I felt confident when I handed back the test. My final class for the day was gym class which I actually was looking forward to. Hopefully we were playing some competitive game because I needed to get some of my demigod tension out and I didn't want to have to summon some skeletons tonight to fight in my basement. I changed into my gym clothes which was just a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with the rest of the girls in my class before joining them out in the gym where I was surprised to see my economics teacher standing there.

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