Chapter 45: Atlantia

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I couldn't believe it. The Fates didn't have the guts to punish me directly for choosing a path they didn't approve of. They instead had to punish someone who was close to me. They've been doing this for years.

When I kept demigods from dying during the Titan's War, they took the life of my best friend/sister Clarisse.

When I killed giants without the help of the gods, they took the life of the seven people closest to me.

When I killed Gaea and wouldn't return to camp, they had every demigod murdered by Tartarus.

You may be asking why I don't just listen to the Fates but if I listen to the Fates, so many will be hurt. Everything that has happened was to hurt me. The Fates won't kill me directly because they are afraid of me. I didn't realize it before but now that I am free of their bonds, I realize I am more powerful than them, than any of my parents. The power that is beneath my veins is unimaginable and I understand the fear that my parents and the Fates have. Whoever took Derek should be afraid because I am coming from them.

The only problem was that I didn't know where he was. I couldn't sense his soul anywhere and the Fates were still messing with me. While I was able to do whatever I want, there was one thing I couldn't see, Derek's path. It made me want to go up to Olympus and kill the Fates but I knew that wouldn't do anything for me. At least, not right now. They may die very soon but not until I get Derek back.

Anyway, the first thing I did was go to Deaton. He could tell that I was upset and I realized that my powers were reacting to my emotions when a storm appeared outside. Deaton knew that as well since I could tell by his tone that he was trying to calm me down.

"Atlantia, can you tell me what is going on?" Deaton says slowly. His tone felt very patronizing which made me feel angrier but I just pushed that feeling down because getting made at Deaton would be no help.

"Derek is missing." I grit out. "His loft was trashed and I found these." I drop some shell casings onto his medical table. "Do you know this symbol?" I point to the skull that was carved into them. He sighs as he picks up one of the casings.

"Unfortunately I do." Deaton says looking at the casing, "This is the symbol of a family of hunters that are based in Mexico. They are the most ruthless hunters that I have ever meant. The hunters aren't afraid to torture, maim, or kill anyone or anything that is related to the supernatural world."

"What is the name?" I growl out.

"Calaveras." He says and I turn to leave immiedietly after hearing that but Deaton grabs my hand stopping me.

"Atlantia, I know you are emotional right now but you can't go after the Calaveras without a clear head. You can't let your emotions into a battle against the Calaveras." Deaton warns, "They are an old family of hunters with generations of knowledge. It would be surprising if they don't have any Cordelia at their headquarters."

I knew he was right. It doesn't help anyone if I am emotional. I take a couple of breaths to calm myself down before I look at Deaton, "What do you suggest I do then? I can't see Derek in my visions at all! The Fates are still messing with me even though I am free of their chains." I guess my emotions weren't fully gone.

"I suggest you involve your pack." Deaton says.

I raise an eyebrow at that, "My pack?"

Deaton smiles, "Many of the wolves don't see Scott as their Alpha. He is an Alpha and everyone would follow but you are the one they would follow to death. You are the center of the Beacon Hill pack. Hell, you can get Peter to shut up."

I didn't know how to feel to that news. When Derek was Alpha, I always thought people followed me because Derek trusted me but as I look back, I realized they followed me because of the Alpha tendencies I had. The leadership and the self-sacrificing tendencies I got from my demigod life is helping me form this family. This pack. But the thought also came that I wasn't sure I could force them to come with me to Mexico on the sole reason that I didn't want to put them in danger.

"Would they follow me to Mexico and risk their lives for someone I love?" I ask Deaton.

He smiles, "They would follow you, to rescue your mate."

That made me stumble backwards as I stared at Deaton with a gobsmacked look on my face, "My mate? Deaton, I'm not a..."

"Derek claimed you as his mate which makes him yours." Deaton interrupts. He puts his hand on mine, "Let them help you. They would help you rescue Derek." He chuckles, "As much as Derek makes it hard for people to like him, those teenagers like him. He is part of the group and they won't let him be left for dead." Deaton slides a phone to me. "You just need to place one phone call and he would do the rest."

I take the phone hesitantly but I still dialed the number before putting it to my ear. It rings twice before I hear the other person's voice.

"Deaton? What's wrong?" Scott voice echos through the phone.

"Scott," I say softly, "Derek is missing, and I need everyone's help."

"What do you mean he is missing?" Scott says and I could hear him stumbling around whatever room he is in.

"I found his loft trashed with evidence of someone being there." I sigh, "Could you have anyone meet me at Deaton's office?"

"We'll be right there." With that I hang up the phone and I just lean against the medical table. Deaton doesn't say a word but when the teenagers begin to arrive, he goes to let them in. I feel Lydia's arms wrap around me as I feel another pair of arms wrap around me.

"We will get him back." Allison whispers in my ear as the werewolves and Stiles all come tumbling in.

"Do we have any leads?" Stiles asks before he spots the shell casings on the medical table.

"Derek was taken by a family of hunters named the Calaveras." I begin. "They are based in Mexico."

"Wait, are you trying to tell us that you need us to come with you to Mexico?" Lydia says. I look her straight in the eyes and give her a nod.

"I am going but Deaton wanted me to involve you if you are willing." I say, "I don't want to involve you but he believes because of my emotional state, I should have some of you with me."

"Why?" Isaac asks looking at me curiously, "You are more powerful than any of us. You could easily defeat a family of hunters."

"The Calaveras are a very old family." Deaton answers bringing everyone's attention to the fact that he was still here. "They are very knowledgeable in their supernatural world. While I know that sirens have been believed to be dead for years, there is the chance that the family still has Cordelia."

"So, we are back-up for Atlantia?" Stiles asks, "I don't think I would be very helpful as I am the only one in this room without any abilities."

"That is why I need you to go." I say drawing everyone's attention to me. I wave my hand and a vision that I was looking at appears. "The Calaveras, while they are notorious hunters, they can be bought. Money is important to them. If they have Derek, we can buy him back. If Allison, Lydia, and you Stiles are willing to come, you three can be our negotiators as you three are the closest to humans or are humans in this group."

"You want to send us three alone into a building full of trained hunters?" Stiles says scared.

"Who said you guys would be alone?" I say smiling. With another wave of my hand, a vision of the Calaveras's headquarters appears. "Their headquarters is also a club. Whoever else comes, will be scattered throughout the club ready to help you if needed." I look around at the teenagers surrounding me and I was reminded of the demigods who were my previous family. It felt like I was planning my family's death again but I knew I could protect them. The Calaveras can't be as powerful as I am so I can protect them if needed.

"So," I begin, doing one more sweep of the room, "Who is coming with me to Mexico?"

AN: Hey guys! This is a little shorter chapter because the next scene I want to write is going to be from Stiles's point of view so I couldn't add any more. Sorry for the short chapter but it is the only way that it fits my plans. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I will see you in the next chapter!

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