Chapter 64: Atlantia

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"How far back do you want me to go?" I say looking at everyone. My eyes fall on Derek who looked hurt and it made my heart ache because I knew it was me that put that look on his face. It was me who hurt him because I lied to him.

"From the beginning." Derek's rough voice fills my ears. I nod before waving my hand and fixing the room so everyone could take a seat on my couch, loveseat, or any of my other furniture.

"You are all aware of my heritage and past, right? By that I mean you know as a demigod I fought many dangerous monsters including titans, giants, and primordials." I say looking at everyone to make sure I didn't have to go that far back. Liam raises his hand at that.

"I was not aware of that." Liam says. Parrish who I realized we had roped into our pack also says the same thing.

"Well, I can explain it another time in more detail if you two want but for now here is the shorten versions. Children of the gods are hunted by the same Greek/Roman monsters that plagued the mythological stories that everyone knows. At one point, I fought Gaea, the literal earth. She is the primordial of the Earth and she wanted the Earth to be the home only to her first childrens, the monsters. She didn't care for anyone else. In the battle, I lost seven good friends so in a rage I kill Gaea."

"Wait you killed Gaea?" Parrish says in disbelief, "A literal primordial?"

I nod, "I did and don't ask how I did it because I honestly believe it was because I had no control over my powers." I take a deep breath to calm myself as memories flood my head and I wanted to break down but I didn't because I felt Derek's hand on mine and I calmed. I give him a smile before I continue, "About a year after that, I get a message in blood that Tartarus, Gaea's husband aka the primordial of the abyss that houses the monsters you don't want to meet, has killed my family in revenge. I search everywhere but everywhere I went, I only found the bodies of those who were part of the demigod world in some way. In a spout of anger, I fling myself down into Tartarus and fight him on his own terf. I killed him or at least I thought I did."

"Wait, are you saying that the man who was right here was Tartarus?" Stiles says his eyes wide, "The literal primordial of the hell of hell?"

"Yeah, and he wants his revenge for me trying to kill him." I say leaning against Derek's chest seeking the comfort I can only get from him.

"So, what he wants to kill you?" Ethan asks, "Why didn't he kill you when he was here?"

"One he wasn't really here. It was more of a projection. He could technically kill me in that form but knowing Tartarus, he would want to kill me in his physical form. Two, he doesn't just want to kill me, he wants to kill you guys, before killing me." I say looking at them with tears in my eyes, "He wants me to watch him take the lives of the group of people I have found and made my family just like he took the lives of my demigod family."

"Well, we can fight him." Scott says, "We are prepared which is something your demigod family didn't get to have, right? We know he is coming and we can be prepared to fight him." Just then dark shard come flying in from all directions and everyone instinctively dropped to the ground but it was unnecessary because I was expecting Tartarus to do something like that. I raised my hand and the shards were all stopped before they could have hit anyone. Everyone looks around the room, frightened by the shards that were in the room but I didn't destroy them because my brain saw something. A message is hidden in the broken pieces of the shards. I pushed the shards up before shuffling them so the pieces would connect and the message would be revealed.

Beacon Hill's High School 10pm tonight

It was so soon and I couldn't figure out why. Tartarus wanted to torture me mentally before killing so why was he having the final battle so soon? I couldn't figure out a reason but my pack wasn't thinking about that.

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