Chapter 66: Atlantia

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If you are expecting me to tell you what I am feeling right now, I honestly couldn't tell you. I felt nothing. Literally nothing. At least at the moment.

Last night:

"It's going to be okay...It's going to be okay," I whispered to Derek or more for myself I guess since I could see in Derek's eyes that he knew what was going to happen especially when I began to notice that my healing power wasn't working.

"Why won't you let me heal you?" I screamed at him. Tears were running down my face at this point and Derek would just look at me with that loving smile on his beautiful face.

"You would kill yourself and I can't let you." Derek says softly. It hurt me to know he was right but I would give my life for him and I needed to. He just won't let me. "I love you Atlantia Brooks. I have since the moment I first saw you. You are one of the bravest, kindest, caring person I have ever met." He takes a breath and I could see him growing tired. "I don't regret meeting you and you shouldn't feel guilty for not saving me. I made the choice so Atlantia live your life. You know I will always be with you. I love you Atlantia." I watched him close his eyes before I let out a scream.

"Derek? Derek, don't you leave me!" I scream at him as I squeeze his hand wishing I could squeeze him back to life before I feel the familiar squeeze in my chest signaling someone's death.

"Nooo!" I shout in anger. Vaguely, I was aware of the storm that was picking up around me but I didn't have the energy to care. I grab Derek's hand and tried to raise him from the dead but when I pushed the energy ball into him, it was sent back at me and I was pushed backwards. I hit my head on the concrete and just as my eyes flutter close, I could see the three old ladies who caused me all of this pain.

I had woken up this morning with the entire pack staying in my house. Allison had explained to me that we had no school because the school was "dealing with damages from an unexpected storm." I don't reply. I felt hollowed out like I oculdn't feel anything. The one man who was repairing the hole in my heart that was torn apart from the lost of my family was gone.

"Atlantia, would you like some eggs?" I hear Allison ask me softly. I turn my head toward her before just walking. I couldn't speak, and I didn't want to eat. I think Allison knew what was going through my mind so she didn't say anything. Everyone was staring at me with cautious looks like they were worried about what I was going to do or say.

"Atlantia, how are you feeling?" Scott asks before I hear him grunt in pain from Stiles punching him.

"I feel nothing." I say finally. My voice was hoarse and I knew it was from me screaming my head off the night before. "I feel absolutely empty inside." Before anyone could respond, I walk away toward my memorial room. It didn't feel right as I felt the magic of the room begin to create a stand at the center of the back wall. A picture frame hovered above the display stand and I knew there was no image because I had not accepted it yet and subconsciously chose a memory to fill that frame.

It dawned on me that I didn't need to accept that Derek was dead. My fathers were Hades, Pluto, and Anubis. I was the child of death. I could go down to the Underworld and bring Derek back. Without another thought, I shadow-traveled down to the underworld and quickly ran through the dark kingdom toward the line that led to the judgement table. I prayed to my fathers that Derek hadn't passed through but I knew I could still take him back to the living world, it would just take more effort. However, as I was running by the line, I felt an arm wrap around my stomach and pull me toward the figure behind me.

"Let me go!" I shout as I realize it was Hades, the Greek god of the Underworld.

"I know why you are here, my daughter," Hades says softly, "You can't bring him back."

"I can! You know I can so let me go so I can." I say struggling against him but I think I already knew I couldn't. I could have easily gotten out of his hold but I think deep down I knew it wouldn't be good.

"You know in your heart that bringing him back to life would just bring him pain." Hades says softly, "He has already gone through. He has made it to Elysium so don't rip this away from him. He is with his family again. Let him be happy." I felt the tears flooding down my face at his words but I knew he was right.

Derek was free.

Derek was happy.

Derek was safe.

I should just accept it but I knew there was one more thing I needed to do before I could accept Derek's death and begin the grieving process. I had to kill the Fates. They were the ones who took Derek from me. They were the ones who caused my new family all of this pain. They are the ones who took a mentor, a friend, my mate from us. They have done nothing but cause everyone pain. The Fates has to die.

"Thank you Dad." I say quietly, "Thank you for making me realize what I really have to do."

"Well, I am glad I was able to...Wait what do you mean what you need to do?" Hades says flipping me around in his arms so he could look me in the eye.

"I have to kill the Fates." I growl before the shadows envelop me before I disappear with Hades shouting at me to think about what I was about to do.

I knew where the Fates resided. They had a room up on Olympus so they were easily accessible to the gods so they can be checked on the future. When I got up there, I wasn't too surprised to see them waiting for me. They must have known I was coming up here.

"We've been expecting you." Clothio says. She held a double-edged ax in her hands and to say that it scared me, was an understatement. It was a scary old lady holding an ax that looked bigger than her so it was kinda scared.

"We just thought it would be before Derek died." Lachesis smirks holding a spiked club that wasn't as scary as the ax but was still scary though my fear did dissipate when I heard Lachesis say that.

"The only reasoning I haven't come up here to murder your asses is because of Derek. He told me not to waste energy on you guys especially since you don't control me any more." I growl.

"It looks like we still do." Atropos says and that made my eyes darken. Without thinking, I sent about twenty throwing knives at Atropos before she could even think to move. Before she could pull them out, I pushed my energy through the knives and Atropos exploded into tiny particles. When Atropos died, the world literally shook like an earthquake was happening.

"You foolish girl! You kill us, you will destroy the world." Clothio growls.

"It won't." I say as I summon a vision to be projected on my hand, "I have seen what would happen if I win. Some bad events may happen for a few years but the world will adjust. The world is better off without you guys."

"I think the world would be better without you." Lachesis growls before she swings her club at me. I pushed it away from me with the wind before summoning my spear and stabbing it straight into her stomach. The old lady gasps in pain before I push my powers through the spear and Lachesis explodes in tiny golden particles with her club following to the floor with a clank. The Earth shakes again but it didn't feel as powerful.

"And then there was one." I smirk as I look at Clothio.

"You have changed Atlantia." Clothio says, "You used to do anything to protect the world but now you are willing to destroy the world just so you can satisfy this anger you have in you over you losing your boyfriend?"

"This is protecting the world." I growl, "You would punish anyone who didn't follow the path you wrote for them. You would cause people extreme pain just because you can. You aren't what this world needs."

"What they need you?" Clothio snorts.

"No, they don't need me. I should also be killed but not before I clean the world of the others than need to die." I say before I throw my spear at her but she was ready for that. She blocked with her ax but she was not ready for me to use my wind power to push Clothio's ax straight through her neck. Her body falls to the ground but I knew she could recover from that so I pick up my discarded spear and stab it into the chest of Clothio's body before I send my powers through Clothio's body, reducing her to golden particles. There is a giant rock and I knew that the world has discovered that Fate has been destroyed.

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