Chapter 60: Atlantia

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For many of the wolves, I could see they just wanted the fight to begin after Derek had given his speech which was understandable. He got them riled up which was a good thing because it meant they were in the right mindset to fight but it was bad because I just wanted no one to fight. I was praying my shields would hold until Lydia got the Deadpool canceled since I knew as long as I kept the shields up that we wouldn't have to fight. But I should have known that the Fates would have kept that from happening since they want to make me suffer as much as possible.

Erica, who had grabbed a bite to eat, turned on the faucet to wash her hands and instantly I began to cough. These were definitely hunters if they had the brains to know that cordelia wouldn't effect anyone other than me so they could dump it into the water source which would make its way to me through the pipes. I couldn't keep the water out of my house through my shield. The shield wavers before it fully disappears as I collapse to the ground.

"Atlantia, what's going on?" Derek says dropping to the ground to help me just as Scott shouts, "Get back!" The door is kicked in before bullets fly over our heads.

"Cordelia in the water." I croak out as Derek ducks and pulls me into safety. Derek curses before relaying the news to Scott who nods before running into the fight. Derek looked broken on whether to join the fight or stay with me but I relieve that decision from his hands. "Go Derek. I can protect myself." I smile at him as I grab a pair of throwing knives from the shelf. It was just lucky that Derek pulled me closer to one of my weapon stacks.

He hesitates but I guess he knew better than to question whether I could protect myself because he just gives me a kiss before sprinting to help Scott, the rest of the wolves, Allison and Chris. It was amazing to watch them fight and I could sense that they were doing alright. No one was getting hurt since those who couldn't fight that well were sent into my library since that room had some physical protection runes that were sketched into the walls to protect them.

There was a time during the battle when I thought I would have to step in but then I saw Scott come running to stop a hunter from killing Isaac. His wolf was in more control and I almost thought that Scott was going to take his first life but then he stops when the hunter's phone pings. The rest of the hunters also stop their attacks before beginning to walk out. Scott holds out the phone to the hunter he was on top of and the hunter nods relieved. Scott then slides off the hunter before another hunter helped him up and escorted him out. After noticing my curious look, Scott walks over to me to show me the message.

The Benefactor: All contracts terminated

I could feel the relief flooding through my body at that moment. It was over. Everyone was protected and I didn't lose anybody. I knew that many supernatural beings lost their lives because of this Deadpool but I didn't lose anyone close to me which I think was the main goal of the Fates. Though, the thought that no one died from my family surprised me. Why would the Fates put us through this if only to have us survive.

"I guess your home is kind of trashed now," Kira says bringing my attention back to those who were in front of me.

I shrug, "I could easily fix this. It is not a big deal."

"Well, you aren't fixing anything until you have healed." Derek says walking over to pull me to my feet.

"Agreed." Erica says, "You have kept us alive throughout this entire situation with your shields and just following everyone. I think you deserve a break." I wish a break is what I got.

I got my break for an entire week which was honestly nice especially since it has been nonstopped for months. I was also aware that whoever sent the note to my house wasn't Meredith because she didn't have the power to do that nor a reason. I even asked her personally since the sheriff said she wanted to speak to me.

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