Chapter 47: Atlantia

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"Lydia, could you please hold the light still for a second? It's really hard to see anything if you keep shaking it like that?" I hear Stiles say from his jeep.

    "I'm shaking it this way because we're in the middle of nowhere with your broken down Jeep, and we're being attacked by yet another razor-clawed monster, and I'm terrified." Lydia snaps back.

    "Well, just be slightly less terrified," Stiles says helpfully. He hands her a piece of the engine and since I had no understanding of cars, I could not tell you what it was, "And hold this."

    "What's this?" Lydia asks as she takes it from him.

    "I don't know." Stiles shrugs, "I'm hoping it's not important." Lydia didn't look happy at that statement. I decided to check on Allison and Isaac who were working on her car since I trusted Malia's and Kira's senses to watch Stiles and Lydia. Boyd, Erica, Ethan, and Aiden were the other group's bodyguards.

    "You doing any better than Stiles, Allison?" I ask her as I watch her work under the hood.

    "Since, I just heard Stiles say that he doesn't know what he just pulled out of the engine, I assume so." Allison smirks at me. Well, that makes me feel better because we would have an escape vehicle for everyone. If only, Stiles would be willing to abandon his jeep. Just then, I hear a roar, making me jerk toward Stiles's direction just in time to see Malia run off into the woods.

    "Malia!" I shout before running.

    "Kira, go!" Lydia shouts at Kira as I run past them which makes Kira follow me. Briefly, I was aware of Lydia shouting at Stiles to fix the jeep instead of running after us.

    Kira and I slow when we were in the middle of the woods. I couldn't hear Malia anywhere which is why I slowed but I figured Kira slowed because I did.

    "Do you see anything?" Kira asks me.

    "See anything? No." I say as I looked around, "Hear anything?" I was about to also say no, but then I catch a sound, "Yes," I summon a sword into my hand, startling Kira to put hers up in a defensive position. Just then Malia stumbles out from the wilderness that surrounded us.

    "Malia? What happened? What's out there?" Kira says immediately. We take a couple steps toward her and that is when I see the long, and deep slash in her side.

    "I don't know, but it's big and fast. And it cuts deep." Malia groans out. I put my hand on her shoulder so I could heal her before hustling both of those girls back to the group but as I did so, I couldn't help the feeling that we were being watched by whatever hurt Malia.

    Luckily when we get back to the group, Stiles had fixed the jeep, apparently with Allison's help as she had fixed her car pretty quickly. After making sure Malia, Kira, Stiles, and Lydia got in to the jeep I climbed into the jeep as Allison and her group pile into her car. I didn't exactly relax as we were on the move since I know whatever is out there can easily make us immobile again. We were just lucky that never happened until we reach the Church. I felt the barrier immedietly since the Aztec gods didn't exactly like any of my parents just as they don't like any other types of gods. I don't want to know what brought all the gods together to make me with my mother, but it was powerful.

    Anyway, while I sat in the jeep as everyone else got out, I noticed three figures emergin from the church. Scott and Braedon was dragging someone between them, supporting the person with his arms tossed over their shoulders but there was something weird about Derek. It wasn't till I saw Derek's face that I realized what was wrong. Whoever this Kate Argent was, she had enough power to turn Derek back to a teenager.

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