I think everyone didn't know how to help Atlantia through this. Atlantia was the strong one who stayed calm and seemed to only break when one of us were hurt or she thought she was going to lose Derek. This time it actually happened and I became really scared of Atlantia. When she loses someone she loves, she becomes quite scary.
Because she was crying or I guess practically wailing, the weather decided to showcase the pain she was going through. Then she decided to go pull Derek from the Underworld but I guess she couldn't. That led her to kililng the Fates. The literal FATES! She killed the people writing everyone's lives and it didn't faze her in any way. I know she was hoping it would help her pain but it didn't and I think she already knew it wouldn't.
School reopened about two weeks after Atlantia had destroyed the school and about a week after Derek's funeral. Atlantia did a weird ritual where she burned a shroud on fire and it almost looked like the shroud had pictures of wolves on it. I wasn't brave enough to ask her what it meant but I looked it up later that evening. I guess it is an ancient Greek tradition to honor the dead.
Anyway, when school opened back again, everyone who went to the school decided that it may be good for Atlantia to use school as a distraction. We all took turns driving her there and at the end of our first week back, it was my turn. Atlantia hasn't said a word since the funeral so I wasn't surprised when the drive was silent but as we pulled into the parking lot, I figured I had to say something.
"Atlantia, you know we are here. We all miss him and I know you were closer, for more than one reason, but you shouldn't close yourself off. Derek wouldn't want that." I say looking at her. She turns toward me and I could see the emptiness in her eyes and it made my heart ache for her.
"Stiles." Atlantia says so quietly that I almost missed what she was saying. "Derek was the one who repaired my shattered heart that I didn't think would ever be whole again. Then it was shattered again because the Fates can't stand to see me happy." A tear escaped from her eyes, "I am not sure I can or should let it be repaired again."
"Atlantia, you should." I say quickly, "We are all here still. The entire pack, the ones you called your new family. We are still here and we can help you. You shouldn't close off yourself because you are afraid of losing us." I don't think I should have said that last part since Atlantia's eyes darkened.
"You don't know what it is like to lose everyone you ever loved because you were forced to save the world." Atlantia spats, "You don't know what it is like to find someone you loved that was your second half, only to have him ripped from you because you didn't do what the Fates wanted." She takes a breath to steady herself, "You don't know what it is like to be the cause of everyone's pain." With that, she pushes open the door to my jeep and slips away in to the crowd of students entering the school, though everyone stops and stares at her as she walks in.
I frown when I see that. Atlantia was the talk of the town because of Derek's death. Officially, Atlantia and Derek were mugged and Derek tried to be the hero but the mugger stabbed Derek and he died at the scene before authorities could get to them. Atlantia hated making him look weak but she knew it was for the best.
Throughout the entire day, I couldn't help but think of a way to apologize to Atlantia for what I said. I couldn't find a way to tell her what I really meant unless I wanted to dig a bigger hole so I decided to just go with my gut which may be a bad idea but let's see what happens.
Atlantia knew I was the one driving her home so she just followed me to lacrosse practice quietly and I decided to say something then.
"Atlantia, I didn't mean to hurt you." I say, "I wanted you to see that your heart does not need to be locked away because you are afraid of losing everyone again. You killed the people who were the reason behind you losing everyone you cared about. You are free to open your heart again. I don't want to force you to open up too soon but you know that your family is waiting for you."
"Stiles, I know." Atlantia says softly, "I am aware that the ones responsible for my pain are dead but I don't know if I am ready to unlock my heart yet. It feels too soon even it is only to accept my family's love." I just nod to her statement before I duck into the locker room to get ready for practice since I didn't want Coach to drag me in by my ear. I felt bad leaving Atlantia after she just said that but I didn't know what to say after that.
I don't think Atlantia minded because she seemed to be in a better mood when she slipped into my jeep later which was great to see. She actually began to talk to me about stuff that was going at the school and actually laughed by the time I dropped her back at her house. Granted the only reason she laughed was because my jaw has fallen open in surprise at her actually talking to me which made her laugh but I was going to take it.
Once I was sure, Atlantia was in her home, I drove straight to Scott to share what has happened. I know, I know. We are talking behind her back but we were doing so to ensure that Atlantia didn't fall back into the state she was in less than a year ago. We were never there but the last time she lost people close to her, she locked herself away from the world for four years. We didn't want that, which resulted in daily meetings to share if there had been any progress, positive or negative. I am just glad I am explaining some positive things because the last meetings have only revealed a negative process.
"Atlantia looks happier," Boyd says once everyone had arrived. "I mean it is not much but she is definitely not looking she is empty inside."
"I didn't see that." Allison says confused, "When I saw her in class, she still seemed to be stuck in her head."
"I saw her at lacross practice. She was sitting in the bleachers and she didn't seem as depressed," Boyd says.
"Same," Scott agrees. He turns toward me, "What did you say to her before practice? I heard you talking to her but I couldn't make it out."
"I apologize for something stupid I said on the drive to school and then I pointed out that the person who caused her pain was dead. She could open up heart to her family," I gesture to everyone, "She told me that she doesn't know if it is too soon to do so. I left after she said that so I don't know what happened between the time of us speaking and Boyd and Scott seeing her but she looked broken when I left her."
"She has the ability to see the dead, right?" Allison said leaning forward on the coach. With no one saying anything, she continued, "Could she had spoken to Derek?"
"It's possible." I say, "I didn't pay attention to her during practice but she definitely could have. She has told me that when she spoke to her old family she is always in a better mood."
"Well, let's just hope it is on the uphill now because I am not sure Atlantia could take another bad thing happening to this pack. I don't think any of us could handle it." Isaac says non-helpfully like always. Why does he always have to be the negative one? The only reason I didn't say anything was because I knew it was true and that scared me.
AN: I'm sorry that this chapter is kinda of all over the place and shorter than all my other chapters. It is a filler and I was having a hard time writing it but it helps build the next chapter so hopefully the next chapter is better. Thank you for reading and for your votes! I really appreciate it. See you in the next chapter!

From Demigods to Werewolves
FanfictionMy name is Atlantia Brooks and I am the last demigod alive. Born to a siren but also every Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse god and goddess, I lost my demigod family to both Tartarus and Gaea in an act of revenge. Alone in this world, I decide to t...