Chapter 29: Derek

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When I held Atlantia in the giant hole in the Earth, I couldn't help but just slam my lips onto her. I had almost lost her too many times in the last couple of days alone and I just needed her close to me. It made my wolf roar when she began to mutter about her needing to focus. He was happy that the person he claimed as his mate was reacting that way.

He was extremely happy when I had taken her back to my apartment so I could take care of her. She was exhausted from the amount of energy she had expended in the last twenty hours plus the energy drain she must have had from the Cordelia dosing. My wolf was happy being able to take care of her. I drew her a bath, made dinner which she ended up laughing when I had to have Cora help me since I can't cook, and then I cuddled her on the couch as we relaxed for the rest of the morning. We fall asleep together but sometime in the afternoon, I am awakened by Peter and Cora.

"We need to talk." He says looking at me gesturing to Cora. I look at them confused before I nod. I pull Atlantia close to me before standing up with her in my arms. She doesn't stir and just nuzzles closer into me, seeking the warmth. I smile as I carry her up the stairs into my bed. I tuck her in before I walk back down the stairs to face my sister and uncle.

"What do you want?" I say crossing my arms. My happy mood gone since I had wanted to take the day to spend with Atlantia, not dealing with whatever my uncle and sister wanted.

"Well, the Sourwolf is back." Peter says sarcastically.

"Derek, I'm returning to South America. To the pack, I was part of for the last six years." Cora says.

I was surprised, "Wait what? Why?"

"Why? Because I don't want to die." Cora scoffs, "You heard what Atlantia and Deacon said. Now that the Nemeton is awakened, more dangerous monsters are coming." She shakes her head, "I can't be here when they come, Derek. I almost died...I would have died if Atlantia didn't save me."

As much as it hurt me to, I knew what she was saying was right. If I let, my sister stay, I could lose her. Hell, even I could lose my life but I didn't care about that. "If you are leaving then I am coming with you."

She snorts, "And leave Atlantia, your mate? Yeah right."

I sigh, "At least let me bring you down to South America."

She nods, "I would like that. Peter, you are coming to."

"Like I would dream of just letting Derek protect you." Peter smirks. I wanted to punch that smirk right off his face but I just turned to my sister.

"We can leave when Atlantia awakes." I tell her having noticed that she had already packed a bag.

"No! We need to leave before Atlantia awakes," Cora says before I could say a word she explains. "Atlantia is exactly like you. She will not want you to be separated from me and would move her life from Beacon Hill to South America. While that would be nice, Beacon Hill will suffer. Scott and the rest of them will not be able to handle what comes their way without Atlantia there. It is better that Atlantia is here. So, please Derek, just leave Atlantia here. Leave her a note explaining what you are doing and you'll be back in a few weeks." I hesitate glancing up at my mate in the loft above us before I sigh.

"Fine," I relent, "I'll pack a bag and we'll leave in fifteen minutes." Cora smiles and nods and allows me to head back up the stairs. Atlantia was still lying there peacefully asleep. I smile when I see her before I quickly grab a bag and toss some clothes and other essentials into it. When I was done, I made my way back down the stairs to my desk. I set my bag on the desk and with my uncle and sister's eyes on me, I wrote a note for Atlantia before I walked back up the stairs. Setting it on the pillow where I would normally be, I lean over Atlantia and place a light kiss on her forehead.

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