Chapter 37: Derek

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It hurt me to be so long away from Atlantia without letting her know anything and I could tell she wasn't doing good because of the unknown which just made it worse. I thought she might have been able to see what I was doing and could have gotten me away from the hunter's family instead of Braeden but I realized after she confessed her worries because she couldn't see anything related to me in her visions that she couldn't. She was still worried now and that transferred to me because I knew the last time that happened, she lost everyone close to her. That worried me but she seemed a little better now that I was close to her so I wasn't going to investigate unless she needed me to. Also, I have no clue what I would do if I did investigate. I don't understand any of Atlantia's powers so I would just be useless.

Anyway, I had driven her to school because I wanted to spend as long as I could with her since my wolf was not particularly happy about being away from her so I calmed him by driving Atlantia to class. That still didn't fully calm him as he got anxious when she was away but it was better than nothing especially since I needed to focus on the issue with the Oni as Atlantia called them. I wasn't someone who did a lot of research but it sounded like the best option as these Oni only appeared at night which is why I was at Atlantia's library trying to find any books that might help me. 

I wished all libraries worked like hers because then I might have actually enjoyed school but at least I could have an easier time finding information on supernatural creatures that were not often found on the internet. However, to my surprise, there were hardly any books in the library on Oni. I had a feeling the magic surrounding the library was limited in some way but I didn't find that out till I spent the whole day in there. 

When I did finally emerge from the library, I wasn't surprised to see Atlantia left some texts from me. I thought they would be something like "you forgot to pick me up" but instead it was that she was going to help protect Scott and Kira from the Oni. That got my attention right away. I jerk my head out the window and noticed the sun was setting. Quickly, I sprint the whole way to Scott's house just in time to hear Scott yelling in concern for his dad. 

I don't think. I just burst through the door and stare at the Oni that was standing there. Atlantia was fighting another one that had appeared so I took the one that just stabbed Scott's dad if the wound in his gut was anything to go by.

"Mom, the ash!" I hear Scott shout as I struggled with the Oni that I was fighting. However, I noticed another Oni appeared behind the Kitsune but I couldn't do anything about it nor was she prepared to handle it as I could tell she didn't understand her power. I also don't think anyone but Atlantia knows what she is. 

Anyway, just as I was kicking the Oni and tossing him in the direction of the door, I hear Scott shout, "Mom, now. Do it now!" I could feel her presence right behind me as I throw the Oni out of the house before she throws down a vial and I see mountain ash cover the entrance of the door. Kira walks toward the door and tries to put her hand through the ash but she is obviously stopped as she is a supernatural creature. Aiden being the single-minded individuals he is, didn't realize what type of supernatural creature and instantly began to attack her with questions.

"It's Kira, right?" Aiden asks eyeing her like the predator he was, "You going to tell us what you are?"

"What? What do you mean?" Kira says though I and everyone in the room could tell she knew exactly what he was referring too.

"Aiden," Ethan warns eyeing Scott.

"Watch!" Aiden says not listening to his brother. He grabs her arm and holds it to the ash boundary and she is instantly pushed backwards. "See that? She can't go through it either." He lets go of her arm. "So what are you?"

"She's a Kitsune, idiot." I snap at him making everyone turn to me. I eyed Atlantia but I could tell she knew exactly what I was talking about, "Use your eyes. You can see it all around her. The younger ones give off an aura. She just hasn't learned how to conceal it, yet. She probably doesn't know what kind she is, either."

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