NINE. extreme blushing is a sport in the olympics

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    SHILOH HAD always made one thing clear and that was no one was ever denied any help when it came to the Love Club

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    SHILOH HAD always made one thing clear and that was no one was ever denied any help when it came to the Love Club.

She wished she could take that back.

She stood at her locker with one shoulder pressed against it as she barely listened to what EJ was saying.

"... and it's not fair."

Shiloh furrowed her brows, "It's not fair that she broke up with you because you invaded her privacy, went through her phone, and deleted a message that wasn't for you?"

"So... you're picking sides?"

"I'm asking you a question. You went through her stuff without asking. She missed a whole hour of rehearsal because of you. Then you got someone sick on purpose for her. You sickened someone for Nini. The best advice I can give you is to talk to her."

"She's not talking to me."

"And we can't force her to do that." She sighed, "Guess... you're out of luck."

"Okay, okay. This isn't very Love Club, the biggest advice club in school of you."

Shiloh shrugged her shoulders, "What do you want me to say? I would tell you the same thing if we were sitting in the club room right now. This is no one's fault but yours. You got jealous, a normal feeling, but you let it get to you. That's what broke you and Nini up... plus lying... and getting someone else sick on purpose."

"Can you stop saying we broke up? Nini and I are not broken up."

"That's not what Ashlyn said. She told Jenna, who told Madison, who told Ashley, who told Evie, who told me, that y'all broke up." Shiloh said, "I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now. Your text to me was really rude... and your voicemail contradicts with what your text said."

EJ's text to Shiloh versus his voicemail was like reading two different books by the same author, you know the author wrote the two books but something about the stories were very, very different.

EJ's voicemail sounded like a guy who was in dire need of help. He wanted to hold on to any lasting grip of his relationship before it slipped through his fingertips.

EJ's text read like Shiloh had completely run him over and that he was going to sue her for every bone that she had broken.

He knew it was going to come back and bite him in the butt. He should've known after everything seemed to come in a full circle from getting the girl sick at camp.

"Look, I'm sorry okay. I was angry and needed help and when I went looking for it, it wasn't around."

Shiloh sighed, "EJ, the Love Club can't help everyone. Your relationship with Nini seems to be over. There's nothing we can do about that especially if she isn't talking to you."

✓ the love club ミ ricky bowenWhere stories live. Discover now