TEN. times like these we wished we had a time machine

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    RICKY BOWEN always kept his feelings in and it was something he knew he had to work on, especially when he didn't want to blow up at the one person who'd done so much for him in so little time

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RICKY BOWEN always kept his feelings in and it was something he knew he had to work on, especially when he didn't want to blow up at the one person who'd done so much for him in so little time.

But Dylan Lapid made that difficult in the moment. He didn't know if the guy was truly here to help or if he'd actually thought he could get Shiloh back.

I mean, come on, Shiloh was a rose in a tulip garden; rare. She'd been nothing that either Dylan and Ricky had expected and when she loved you, you know.

She thought she loved Dylan and she knew she loved Ricky. That was the difference that neither Ricky or Dylan knew.

Shiloh was young. She had her whole life ahead of her and to love someone at her age seemed like a joke. How could she, a seventeen year old girl, love someone she's only dated for a few months... almost year?

It was a different feeling, one she almost couldn't explain. It just clicked. Shiloh Molina loved Ricky Bowen and wouldn't do anything to change how they came to be.

She loved Ricky and knew that he wouldn't do anything to harm there relationship... until Dylan came into play.

No more thoughts could run through Ricky's mind as Channing came in, complaining at best, but got a few good shots of everyone not being themselves.

"And action."

The scene starred Shiloh, Ricky, and Jet. Simple enough.

Shiloh walked on stage, her script in hands, "I'm sorry. So sorry."

"Oh, no. Are you okay?" Jet read.

But he was too kind. He was the bad boy in all of this, he has to play the part.

"I'm fine." Shiloh sighed, "How embarrassing. I..."

Jet rolled his eyes and faced EJ, "Director, I don't get Hans. He's kinda lame. Can we get him to be rougher or something?"

"Are you questioning me as a director slash actor?"

"I think maybe that's something I would do."

"Let's keep going."

"Hi." Ricky smiled, "Can I ask you lovebird something?"

Shiloh laughed, "Lovebirds? No. We've actually never met."

"But we're meeting now." Jet said in a low voice.

Shiloh furrowed her brows and glanced between the three boys on stage, "Yeah, we are."

"Great. Do you like cold drinks?"

"Very much." Jet continued in his low voice.

"What are you doing with your voice, dude?" Ricky asked in a hushed tone.

"I don't know, but it hurts."

Soon, Maddox began crying, Kourtney slapped Carlos, and Channing began his ten-one.

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