ONE. the love club holiday special

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    IT WAS the last day of school before Christmas vacation

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IT WAS the last day of school before Christmas vacation.

Miss. Jenn had gathered the theater department altogether in order to make a special video for East High's newest Instagram page.

The production of High School Musical had been more than successful. Of course, they had several bumps on the way there, but nonetheless, their show had drawn in more people wanting to join the spring musical and the drama department altogether.

After refilming the video (because Miss. Jenn hadn't been recording the first time), she gather the department together with a box by her side.

"Before everyone leaves. I was able to get copies of the Love Club's magazine feature." Miss. Jenn smiled.

The day the club had heard that this big time teen magazine wanted to interview them they couldn't believe it. They also couldn't believe that they were the main topic at hand. They were going to be on the cover and have several pages dedicated to them.

Miss. Jenn picked up a magazine from the box, showing the cover to the department. The applause hadn't died down since Miss. Jenn brought up the fact she was able to get the magazines beforehand. How she got them? Probably the same place she got her teaching license.

"They mentioned me in here." Miss. Jenn smiled, "Grab a magazine and have a wonderful holiday break!"

Ricky Bowen grabbed a copy of the magazine and stepped away from the people crowding the box.

Shiloh Molina wasn't allowed to talk about what she talked about in the interview. She legally couldn't according to the people at the shoot... but maybe that was just to scare her.

He flipped the magazine to Shiloh's spread (of course he would read the others, but it was his girlfriend) and read over what she had talked about in the interview. She had mentioned everyone it seemed. From Dylan Lapids, EJ Caswell, Miss. Jenn, and Ricky, addressing him as, "my very odd, kind of shocking, can make me laugh, stupidly handsome boyfriend." her actual words, not his.

"Can you get an autograph for me?"

Ricky looked up from his magazine and looked back over his shoulder.

Nini Salazar-Roberts held her magazine in front of her face, she held a very wide smile across her face.

Ricky and Nini had become closer as friends since the musical had ended. Nini had gotten into the Youths Actor Conservatory or YAC for short and was leaving a couple of days after the New Year.

Ricky smiled, "I'm sure she would love to sign it."

"They really made sure to mention everyone, didn't they?"

"I heard Jenna tried to mention everything, but they cut her short."

"How do you feel about everything?" Nini asked, "Shiloh Molina isn't East High's little secret anymore. A lot of people know who she is... and maybe know you."

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