FOUR. our sceret plan to make love last forever

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    EVERYONE IN the Love Club was different

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EVERYONE IN the Love Club was different. They had different backgrounds, different styles, different attitudes, but at the end of the day it was a group of friends who wanted to let people know that it's safe to speak to your fellow peers about what you like, hate, love, or getting those feelings out there.

There was Shiloh Molina, the creator of the club. Evie Fernandez, the co-creator, Ashley Yang, the shy yet fairly confident one, Madison Gregg, tells you how it is, and Jenna Russet, the girl who never let anyone down.

That's why EJ came to her with the best idea he deemed fully possible and foolproof.

It had been early in the morning. EJ sat outside holding a East High coffee cup in his hands when he spotted Jenna, Ashley, and Madison walked towards the cafeteria.

He stood from his spot, jogging slightly in hopes to catch her and not spill his drink.

"Hey, Jen." He called, "Ash, Mads." He said, acknowledging the others.

"Hey, Rocket Man. Excited for today?" Jenna asked.

"That's what I need to talk to you about. If you don't mind."

Jenna turned to the others, "Please get my orange juice. It's all I ask."

Madison nodded and dragged Ashley away, leaving EJ and Jenna alone.

"How can I help you?" She asked.

"I need a huge favor."

"That's what I'm here for."

"Great, can't back out of it now." He sighed, "So, Shiloh has to be Anna because Corbin Bleu said so, but we all know that she's not gonna audition. So, I need you-"

"Hold on. Why does Shiloh have to be Anna?" Jenna asked, "The only time I've ever seen Shiloh on stage was for the club. There's no way she's gonna be Anna and what do we do when she gets the part? She's most likely gonna back out."

"That's when Ricky comes into play. She'd do anything for Ricky and he's gonna do anything for her. Once he gets the part of Kristoff, also something we have to do, and she's Anna there's no way they're backing out of this."

"Okay, great start." She smiled, "But it has no end. Shiloh has to at least sing in front of us and with the others to make her audition seem legit."

"I have a twelve step plan. I was up all night working on it. I haven't slept."

"Okay." Jenna sighed, taking the cup from his hands on dumping the coffee on the ground, "Why don't you get a quick nap in before auditions and I'll worry about getting Shiloh to audition, okay?"

"I've stayed up all night working on my plan and you want to take it away from me?" He asked.

"Have a nice nap, EJ." Jenna smiled, handing the mug back and made her way to the cafeteria.

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