EIGHT. after the storm where the flowers bloom

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    SHILOH FOLDED up another blanket to take back to the bomb shelter

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SHILOH FOLDED up another blanket to take back to the bomb shelter. Ashley tucked right by her side as she watched the snow hit the windows over and over again.

"Rock, paper, scissors on who tells Shiloh about Ricky and Gina." Evie said, holding a fist out; Jenna following suit.

"Are you two crazy?" Madison asked, "This is Shiloh we're talking about. Remember that one time where she found out that Dylan had been talking to that one blond girl when they first started dating and Dylan didn't tell her?"

"What blond girl?" Jenna questioned.

"Exactly. This is Shiloh Molina we're talking about. She doesn't want to hear this from us. She wants to hear this from her boyfriend who, by the way, isn't here to say anything."

"I still think rock, paper, scissors is our best bet." Evie sighed.

"Hey, guys." Shiloh called, "Can you help me? Ashley has a stronger grip than what I remember."

"Does this not scare any of you?" Ashley asked, "We're stuck at school with Mr. Mazzara! I could be home! I could be away from this place, crying, but no, I'm here! The snowstorm-"

"Is going to go away." Shiloh reassured. She threw one of the blankets over Ashley's head, "Grip onto this for now. We're almost done here. If I can get more help that is."

Shiloh began to grab more things out of the closet, her soul focus on getting something for everyone and getting back to the bomb shelter.

"So, is it rock, paper, scissors, shoot or no shoot at all?" Evie asked.

"No." Madison muttered.

"Okay, so just the rock, paper-"

"No, period. This is stupid. I'm sure Ricky will tell her."

"The same Ricky Bowen that asked us to help him and Shiloh get together?" Evie questioned, "Yeah, I'm sure Lover Boy Bowen is going to tell Shiloh that he got Gina chocolates on Valentine's Day."

"But he didn't?"

"But why would Gina think Ricky would do that?" Jenna asked.

"Why are you guys still not helping me?" Shiloh questioned, "Can someone at least see if there's a portable charger in the chest?"

"Noes goes." Jenna whispered, placing her finger on the tip of her nose, Evie following close behind, "Wow, Mads, you're slow. Come up with something. Shiloh would be happy to hear about your Valentine's Day."

"Oh, the Valentine's Day I spent alone? Sure, she'll love it."

Madison rolled her eyes as she opened the chest and found the charger in the chest. She tapped on Shiloh's shoulder and handed her the charger.

"Hey, Shi? I have a question."

"I'm listening."

Madison glanced back at Evie and Jenna who shrugged their shoulders, "So, someone came to me about some advice because Evie was a little busy and I wanted to get your opinion on it before I send that advice out."

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