EIGHTEEN. silly, sad, love songs

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    SOON ENOUGH the Love Club had received a video file and a document with the lyrics of the song Nini and Ashlyn had come up with called You Ain't Seen Nothin' and Gina had come up with some choreography for the song at the airport

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SOON ENOUGH the Love Club had received a video file and a document with the lyrics of the song Nini and Ashlyn had come up with called You Ain't Seen Nothin' and Gina had come up with some choreography for the song at the airport.

Jenna was required to partake in the video, but the others chose to be a part of it... with special help of course.

The club couldn't leave the photo and video shoots, but Madison (Beer) could come to them.

Big Red (who was editing the video) put the five members, plus their newest celebrity friend at the end of the video and they made sure to promote East High's production of Beauty and the Beast that would later be put on the East High drama department Instagram.

Meanwhile, Ricky sighed as he sat at his piano. He had written plenty of songs for and about Shiloh, but something about this song was different.

Let You Go. He had been ignoring everyone to just let his emotions out about his break up and this was the healthiest way of doing so (Shiloh would be proud). Yes, it was a sad song and was written from Ricky's perspective and he knew that he wanted the best for Shiloh. Was she ever going to hear this song? No way. Ricky was going to let her hear this song ever.

"Close the book before it turns to tragedy. Tear the clubhouse down, give up the fantasy..." He sang softly.

He had been sitting at this piano for hours. He was only going to send the song to Big Red to get his perspective on the song. He wasn't looking for whether or not writing a song about his ex-girlfriend was a good idea or not; he just needed someone to talk to about it.

But that song never made it Big Red's way. As Ricky was recording the voice message for his red-headed friend he accidentally tapped on Shiloh's text conversation and sent the entire song and adlibs to her instead.

He began pacing around the small room. The word delivered still underneath the blue text bubble.

There was nothing he could do. He could only sit and watch until the word delivered changed into read.

He could only hope that she wouldn't text back.

SHILOH SAT in her makeshift dressing room. The hair and makeup team had left her alone not that long ago to get ready for the photoshoot.

From the corner of her eye, she saw her phone light up from the couch. She stood from her seat and sat down on the velvet material. Ricky's name flashed across her screen and as soon as she tapped it, she saw the four minute audio recording from him.

She sat there for a moment. She didn't know if she wanted to listen to it now or pretend that she never saw it. The second option couldn't work because she kept her read receipts on and so did Ricky.

She finally pressed play on the message and Ricky's voice rang throughout the room.

"Hey... um, I know that I haven't spoken to you or anyone since I've been in Chicago. I guess I understand what Shiloh was saying when she needed a "me day"."

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