NINETEEN. the guys vs. the girls vs. the love club

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    SPRING BREAK had ended and school started right back up

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SPRING BREAK had ended and school started right back up.

There was one thing standing in between Jenna Russet and her entryway onto the stage... and that was Ricky Bowen.

Before the Love Club, Jenna was very lonesome. Didn't stick to one crowd and didn't have many friends. Once she did gain those friends, it turned out they weren't as nice as she thought. Meeting Shiloh, Evie, Madison, and Ashley changed Jenna's life and how she viewed not only other people but herself also.

So, when Ricky broke up with Shiloh, Jenna didn't know if she could continue the musical. She adored Beauty and the Beast but was being Belle actually worth pretending to be in love with someone who just broke your best friend's heart? In Jenna's eyes, it wasn't. She had been debating for days on whether or not to drop the musical and the only reason why she didn't talk to anyone about it was because she knew they would tell her to do the musical.

"Going inside?"

Jenna turned and saw Ricky standing behind her. She was nervous; she wasn't going to lie. She hadn't spoken to Ricky in a couple of days and she really didn't know how to continue a conversation after this. With EJ and Dylan, it was a lot easier for Jenna to ignore them, especially after how poorly they treated Shiloh, but Ricky was different. He was a sweet guy who didn't know how to control his emotions very well.

"Oh, um... yeah, just thinking."

"About going inside?"

"Yeah... yeah."

"Are you okay, Jenna? Do I have to get Shiloh or-"

"No!" She shouted, "I mean, no. I'm fine."

Ricky held his backpack strap close and glanced between Jenna and the entryway.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. Thank you for the concern, Ricky." Jenna smiled, taking Ricky's wrist in her hands, "Let's go."

Ricky could get another question out as Jenna dragged him inside the bomb shelter.

As soon as the two of them entered they were rushed into their costumes to work on the transformation scene.

As instructed, Jenna sat on her knees and Ricky rested his head in her lap.

Jenna glanced back at her friends who sent her a small smile and a thumbs up.

They couldn't figure out why Jenna had become so jumpy and could only assume it was because opening night was two weeks away.

Miss. Jenn ushered the two to start. Ricky cleared his throat as he adjusted himself on Jenna's lap.

"You came back."

"If only I'd come sooner."

"Maybe it's better this way..."

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