THIRTEEN. i've got myself a fan

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FAN BEHAVIOR. Noun. Short definition, a person wanting to see your downfall. A more in-depth definition, a person who is constantly on your case, they don't want to see you thrive, they may want to take something of value from you and want to ruin your friendships or relationships. An even shorter definition... Lily.

Shiloh and Ricky were okay, that fight never really leaving her mind, but other than that, they were good.

Ricky stood in the hall, watching the small TV connected to the wall. The Love Club had been invited (along with Nini, her rose song had become pretty much viral) to the news school news segment hosted by EJ and Gina.

Ricky was genuinely proud of Shiloh. She didn't have much support for the club before, but now, though it did seem like a lot (and it was) she had finally gotten the recognition she deserved. He just didn't know if he was prepared to share her with the entire world yet. How did you prepare for something like that? It wasn't like she asked to be on these magazines and have these interviews. At first, it was all a forced agenda by Principal Gutierrez and now the club and Mr. Mazzara picked out what could work for everyone and what would best benefit the club.

Ricky felt arms wrap around his torso, glancing back, Shiloh stood there with a smile on her face. Ricky thought she was okay. The fight was a lot on her and he knew that. Pointing out that she wasn't there for him and that it was "just the Love Club with her" really stuck and he knew that. She hadn't talked much about the club since, she hadn't even told him that she was going to appear on the school news, he found of from Jenna and Nini, who only told him because the club was helping Nini prepare for her first ever interview.

"Did you ask your mom about the sleeping arrangements?"

Ricky turned and faced her, "You're sleeping in my room. Where else would you go?"

"Did you ask her?"


"Ricky." Shiloh dragged, "I wanted you to ask because-"

Ricky tugged on her arm, pulling her close, "I know, I know. I'll ask her tonight."

"Thank you." She smiled.

Shiloh only hoped that after she was settled in Chicago and she properly met Lynn, that things would be smoothing sailing with her and Ricky. That things could go back to how they use to be. Whatever "used to be" meant to her.

"Excited for California?" Ricky asked.

Shiloh titled her head slightly, "Yeah? I'm pretty excited. I have to leave early to be with you, but I'm excited for the time I'll be there."

Ricky knew he messed up with Shiloh. Whether it was the fight or something before that, Shiloh had distanced herself from him. She was hurt and Ricky knew that. She didn't fight back, she didn't try and hurt him, she just wanted to help and he pushed that away. So, starting from scratch seemed to be his plan for now.

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