THREE. sharing you with the world isn't easy to do

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    HAVING RICKY around for the summer meant a lot to Shiloh

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HAVING RICKY around for the summer meant a lot to Shiloh. More than what she realized. Shiloh had done a lot of thinking while she spent two months ahead at camp. She'd been able to find a spot she'd call her own (hoping that it hadn't been the spot EJ and Nini became EJ and Nini) and just think.

Though she had her best friends there, she still hadn't found that comfort that she'd been looking for. Of course she loved her friends and could tell them everything. It was the fact that she knew that no one could understand what ran through the mind of the "Love Club Girl".

She'd been labeled as this girl who thought she knew it all and at this point in her "career" had everything handed to her. She been in interviews that people pretended to be in on TikTok, she'd met celebrities that people wanted to meet. The internet had this idea of Shiloh Molina that she couldn't change.

But Shiloh always kept a low profile even with this newfound "fame". She had her relationship with Ricky that she kept close to her heart and off the internet, she had her best friends, something that would never change, and she had her family.

Though she kept those things close, with a camera crew following everyone around camp for a Disney Plus documentary she knew that her relationship with Ricky would been seen by millions, maybe even billions, of eyes worldwide.

She still wasn't use to all the attention. None of the Love Club member had. It's something they'd probably never get use to. Now they had to add "television fame" to the list of things that they had handed to them.

It was a lot for the girl to think about. She didn't even know about the lead she'd had handed to her.

If there was one thing that Shiloh wanted, it was to let the world know that she was so much more than that Love Club Girl they labeled her as. She was Shiloh Molina. That would never change.

Something that also wouldn't change? Ricky and Shiloh.

He found her sitting on the steps of her cabin. She'd been looking up at the stars in the sky. Something about this felt different than looking at the stars in Salt Lake. It was all the same sky, but being out in nature made the moment different.

"I bet I can count the stars faster than you." Ricky smiled.

Shiloh lips twitched into a smile. She'd glanced at him for a moment before looking back up.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" He asked, sitting next to her.

"Who says I'm thinking?" She retaliated, "What if I'm just taking in the atmosphere?"

"You've been here for two months. How much more atmosphere can you take?"

Shiloh chuckled, a smile lingering on her face. She gently pushed Ricky away. He grabbed her hand with smile, lacing it with his.

"There's that smile." He sighed, "I know you Molina. What's up? If I can't bottle things up anymore neither can you."

Shiloh and Ricky had been able to work on their relationship since the Lily fiasco. It wasn't an overnight success and it still wasn't perfect, but no couple was. Shiloh had her moments of jealousy and Ricky kept small things from Shiloh, but they were working on it together.

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