TWO. welcome to camp shallow lake

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    SHALLOW LAKE had the very obvious smell of no paid staff and sweaty teens who were forced into this

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SHALLOW LAKE had the very obvious smell of no paid staff and sweaty teens who were forced into this. That's how Evie described it anyway.

For now, this was consider a home away from home for the Love Club. This is what they signed up for and they couldn't really complain.

Their cabin seemed nice. A bed for each member, and the lucky winner of the solo bed just so happened to be Evie.

They would eventually share the honeycomb cabin with three others, but for now it's was the Love Club and another girl who'd they haven't met.

Shiloh threw her duffel bags on her top bunk, sharing the bunk bed with Madison.

The door of the cabin swung open and a girl walked in, a smile bright on her face, "Hi, I'm Maddox."


"Oh, I know who you are. You're that Love Club group right? Helping this year?"

"Um, yeah." Shiloh chuckled, "We're that group."

"Oh, I didn't mean it like that." Maddox smiled, "We've never had famous people at camp before... and someone was pretending to be you guys a couple hours ago."

"You think we're famous?" Jenna asked.

"Probably the most famous group of people that'll be at camp."

Jenna smiled, whispering to the group, "We're famous."

"I think famous may be a stretch." Shiloh chuckled, "Besides isn't there a celebrity coming to film some type of documentary?"

"Oh! Corbin Bleu. He wants to meet up with you guys for an interview before camp truly starts." Maddox explained, "I'll take you guys to him and we can start on counselor training."

Maddox skipped out of the cabin, the others following close behind.

"I like her." Evie smiled, "She's spunky."

"Forget that for a second." Madison said, "We're meeting Corbin Bleu? The Chad Danforth? The jump rope king?"

"Don't freak out. We've met some celebrities before. This is no different." Shiloh said.

"We've only met Madison Beer and Evie cried." Ashley spoke.

"True." Shiloh said, turning to face the others as she walked backwards, "Look, this is going to one of the best summers ever. We're gonna meet Corbin, have this camp counselor training, and have all of our friends come here, and everything's gonna be great."

Shiloh was determined to have one of, if not the best summer ever. Of course she'd want to spend the summer with Ricky, but he wasn't here and she didn't know if he was coming. The best thing she could do was spend the summer with the friends that were here and that she knew were coming.

✓ the love club ミ ricky bowenWhere stories live. Discover now