SEVEN. she's just slightly the jealous type

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    RICKY COULDN'T find his hoodie for the life of him

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RICKY COULDN'T find his hoodie for the life of him. He had dug around some boxes and couldn't find it. The specific orange hoodie he always had attached to his hip. Ricky was also in a rush, desperately trying to find the hoodie as he stood shirtless in his bedroom with his girlfriend sound asleep in his bed.

Ricky let out an exasperated sigh and faced his bed. Shiloh's head being covered by the random blanket Ricky had found in one of his boxes.

He made his way back over to his bed and gently removed the blanket from her head to reveal that she had been wrapped up in his orange hoodie. Getting up in the middle of the night to slip it on.

Ricky grabbed her hands and pulled her forward, her eyes still shut, "You gotta get up, Shiloh. Jonathan brought your clothes."

He sat Shiloh upright and joined her side of the bed. Her head instantly hitting his shoulder.

"Come on, Shiloh."

Ricky held her head in his hands. Shiloh's eyes still shut. She was exhausted. She couldn't tell you the last time she slept for that long and not woken up to work on Love Club stuff.

Shiloh took in a deep breath as she fluttered her eyes open. Everything was a little blurry, but the warm hands cupped onto her face pulled her away from that.

"There she is." Ricky smiled, "Good morning."

Shiloh sighed, "Good morning."

Ricky grabbed her glasses from the bedside table and placed them on her face. She blinked a few times before finally waking herself up.

"Where's your shirt?"

Ricky glanced down, "You're wearing the hoodie I wanted to wear today."

Shiloh let out a soft "oh" before grabbing the hem of the hoodie to take it off.

"No, no. It's okay." Ricky smiled, "It looks better on you anyway."

Ricky began to lean forward and Shiloh placed her hand on his bare chest.

"My breath stinks."

"I don't care."

"I do."

Ricky playfully rolled his eyes and stood up from his spot. Looking through the boxes again for a shirt to wear.

Shiloh stood up behind him, a blanket thrown around her, "What if we skipped today?"

Ricky furrowed his brows, "What?"

"What if we just stay here and sleep." She yawned, "I don't think it's the worst idea I've had."

"It's not, but I'm pretty sure you have a busy day ahead of you and in case you forgot... I'm Beast, can't miss out."

"Just this once?"

"What's up with you? There's a reason why you don't want to go to school today."

"I'm just tired."

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