SIX. a million ways to say three little words

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    THE NERVES that ran through Shiloh Molina and Ricky Bowen had been higher than what the couple had expected

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    THE NERVES that ran through Shiloh Molina and Ricky Bowen had been higher than what the couple had expected. Though they were both on the same wavelength (wanting to say I love you to each other), they were also not aware of how the other was currently feeling.

Shiloh sat on Ricky's bed in a crisscross position. She had been waiting for him to return as he tried to talk to his father about having the door shut just this once because "we're responsible teens... at least one of us is".

It was beginning to grow dark out and just like Evie had promised, they handled every other issue, problem, whatever came to the club for the rest of the day.

Shiloh had been going back and forth in her head about whether or not to completely scrap the gift she had worked on from the ride here to this exact moment. Her mind also running back and forth from the idea to the conversation she had with Evie earlier that day.

She had this conversation planned out since the ride here. She thought about how she might say I love you first, but then if Ricky felt like it was too sudden she might throw up. Then she thought about if Ricky said it first and she knew how she felt, she still might throw up. Regardless, she was gonna be sick if things didn't go as planned.

Shiloh shifted as she heard Ricky walk in and shut the door behind him, "My dad is actually heading out, but he trusts you a lot more than me. So, the door is shut."

Shiloh sent him a small smile along with a laugh as he joined her on his bed.

"I wonder why?"

"You accidentally put too much firewood into the fireplace once."

The two of them laughed before dialing it down. Shiloh was horrible at hiding her emotions, but over the past couple of weeks she had managed to hide her tiredness from everyone, so she hopefully could hide her nerves as of right now.

"So, what's on the Valentine's Day agenda?" She asked.

"The agenda... hasn't really been made. I only worked on night plans." He admitted.

"Well, we have time. Let's talk. I like talking to you. Felt like we haven't done that in a while."

Ricky furrowed his brows, "What do you mean?"

"I just... you're always asking me about me and the club and interviews. Which I appreciate, but I want to talk about you. So, what's going in Ricky's world. Talk to your mom recently?"

"Yeah. She, um, called earlier. She wants to properly meet you. In Chicago."


"Yeah, I'm sure your dads wouldn't mind, right?"

So, he was being serious. Shiloh had met Ricky's mother once and that one time wasn't smooth sailing. Meeting Ricky's father, Mike, was a different story. He was easy to talk to on occasions and seemed to welcome her with open arms.

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