TWENTY-ONE. the sprained arm club

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    JENNA RUSSET could only thank Shiloh Molina for saving her life

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JENNA RUSSET could only thank Shiloh Molina for saving her life. Well, that's an exaggeration. She could thank Shiloh for pushing her out the way when Ricky fell after the rope snapped. But when Shiloh pushed Jenna out the way, Ricky fell on Shiloh instead of her. So, Ricky and Shiloh managed only to sprain their wrist somehow. They were lucky the damage wasn't worse.

Shiloh stood in a somewhat old-fashioned dress. Miss. Jenn convinced the other members of the Love Club to act as background characters for the musical. Not only did they get their time to shine, but it also calmed Jenna down, knowing that her friends were always watching from close by.

"Can you step to the right... baby?"

"EJ! Take the photo, please." Shiloh said through a toothy smile.

After her family found out that she would be on stage (even if it was only for five minutes), they made sure that they were all there. They had missed the first musical, and if they knew Shiloh would get her time to shine after the musical, they would've come.

Regardless, they were here now, and many of her younger siblings were shocked with how big a high school was.

EJ finally took the photo after Enya (the baby he had been referring to) stepped closer. Once the photo was taken, the family disbanded and Shiloh stepped forward to grab her father's phone, Jonathan standing close beside her.

"Thanks, EJ." She smiled, "So, are you and Gina still hanging out after this?"


EJ glanced up and saw Jonathan staring down at him. Shiloh hadn't noticed and was only scrolling through the failed photos that EJ had managed to take.

Shiloh finally glanced up and saw EJ and her brother staring at each other.

She rolled her eyes and passed the phone to her brother, "Give this to dad."

Jonathan grabbed the phone and headed off, making sure EJ caught his stare.

"He hates me."

"No..." Shiloh smiled, "He hates... the thought of you."

"Because that's better."

"I know you're a good guy, EJ and you've changed. You don't have to prove anything to him."

"I don't think you realize how big and scary your brother is."

The two of them turned and saw Jonathan sitting on the ground with Weston and Caleb, talking about how this was the same school High School Musical was filmed.

"It's a persona, I swear. Come on, we gotta meet with the others."

Shiloh haphazardly threw her arm over EJ's shoulder, and the two of them entered the bomb shelter. The groups getting last minute lines out and any makeup added to their faces.

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