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Alina turned over. "You're really going to spank me?"

"Yes. Scoot over, Mal." Aleksander nudged Mal off the bed. Now, he was sitting in the desk chair, watching. Alina could feel his eyes on her as Aleksander straddled the edge of the bed. Aleksander pulled her up from the bed. His arms were wrapped tightly around her. "Now, I want you to put her hands on the edge of the bed and put your pert little bottom up for me."

Aleksander stepped back, and Alina did as she has been told, getting into the position he had ordered.

"I feel ridiculous," Alina told him.

Aleksander chuckled. "You're going to feel ridiculous. You left me, Alina, and you didn't talk with me. We must always talk with one another about things. There's complete honesty here. You, me, and Mal."

"That's right," Mal said from where he sat, "we tell each other everything. I think that's worth ten spanks, brother."

Aleksander nodded. "I think so too. But the question is, how? Bare bottomed, of course. But should I be lenient and do it with my hands? Or should I do it with one of our toys, Mal? A whip, perhaps?"

"Hands," Mal answered, "I want to see your mark on her. To know that she's been claimed by us."

Alina whimpered a little.

Mal and Aleksander exchanged looks and chuckled to each other.

"And we haven't even started yet," said Aleksander, "alright, Alina. Count them out for me, why don't you?"

Mal stood up. "Let me, brother."


Mal cleared his throat, and then he started the countdown. "One." Aleksander's hand hit her bottom. It bounced a little under his touch, and Alina hissed. "Two," Mal continued on counting.

He smacked her bottom for a second time. She gritted her teeth. "Three," Mal kept on counted down.

She didn't hear every, single time he spanked her. Halfway through all she could focus on was the pain. Then, finally, she heard Mal say, "Ten."

There was a long pause. "Get onto the bed, Alina," Aleksander ordered, "on your stomach."

Alina crawled onto the bed. "What next?"

"Well, we're going to put oil on your little bottom," said Aleksander, "and then I'm going to fuck you."

"And then I am," added Mal.

Aleksander walked over to the nightstand and he pulled out a bottle of the same oil that he had used from Novyi Zem. He put some on his hand, then he rubbed it on her bottom cheeks. Alina hissed a little but the oil left her feeling cold, and made her have a tingling sensation. She felt him rub a little in between the crevice of her anus.

"Oh, what a sweet, little bottom hole you've got Alina," he said, "we're going to spend so much time here. But right now, I'm going to spend time in you pussy. I want you to get on the bed and turn over again for me, won't you, my little Kiska?"

Alina crawled back onto the bed. Then she rolled over so that she was on his back, facing him. Aleksander was straddling her now, and he aligned his cock with her cunt. Alina cried out as he thrust into her and he did not go gently. He gripped the headboard tightly to steady himself as he thrust into her.

"Move your hips, Kiska," he ordered, and Alina rolled her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mal watching, licking his lips as Aleksander fucked her.

"Oh, that's good, Alina," Mal said, "letting my brother fuck you like the good girl you are. You look so pretty like that. Pinch her nipples, brother. Let's see what she does."

Aleksander pinched not one, but both of Alina's nipples. She cried out. "Aleksanderrr!"

"Such a good girl for me, Little One," he said, "do you enjoy when I fuck you hard?"

A mewling sound came from her in response.

Aleksander chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes." He thrust into her harder again, and as she came, he bottomed out, and spilled his seed into her. He called out her name as he did a final thrust. Then he collapsed on top of her, and he gently stroked her face, while brushing back strands of her black hair.

"Such a good little Kiska," he murmured, "you were so tight for me, you good girl. Now, it's time for you to have Mal's cock in you. Are you ready?"

Alina nodded.

"Good," he said, "then keep your legs spread for my brother, why don't you?" Aleksander got up off the bed. Then Mal strode over, looming over the bed like a territorial lion, licking his lips.

"Saints Alina, you've no idea how long I've waited for this." Alina's legs were spread, and he reached down to cup her pussy, playing with her hairs and folds. "You know I've dreamed about this spot, right here. All of the things that I would do to it. You know you're still wet from my brother fucking you?"

Alina whimpered. "Mal," she whispered, her voice hoarse, "Mal, please...."

Mal glanced at Aleksander. "Think she's ready?"

"She's ready," Aleksander answered, "fuck her brother. I want to watch."

Mal grinned. "You're going to cum around my cock, Alina." He kissed her cunt, and then he put his cock inside of her.

They were different in the way that they fucked. Aleksander fucked hard. He fucked like a man that was about to lose someone, all urgency. He didn't slow down once. Mal took his time. Rolling his hips into her, slow, and steady, and Alina's met him thrust for thrust. "Mal!" she called out.

He came inside her, his whole body tensing as he did, and he grunted out her name, "A-linaaaa!"

He collapsed on top of her too, his cock still inside of her.

"Oh such a pretty sight," said Aleksander, "I like watching you cum, Alina."

"She feels good too," said Mal, "perfect."

Alina smiled up at him. "You're perfect." She looked back at him. "You're perfect too, Aleks. You're both.... perfect."

Aleksander crawled into the bed with them. He lay right next to her. "This is perfect."

Mal chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead as he pulled himself out of her then rolled over to the other side. She was sandwiched between him and Aleksander. The two most important people that she had left in the world. Her whole body ached from having them caressed and enjoyed every, single part of her.

"Sleep, Kiska," said Aleksander, also giving her a kiss good night on the forehead, "we'll put your butt pug in first thing in the morning."

"Shouldn't I go back?" she said. "My aunt...."

"We'll handle her," said Mal, "just rest, Sticks."

"I hate it when you call me that," she grumbled.

Mal pinched her hip, and Alina let out a yelp. "You love it. Good night, Lina."

She had already drifted off to sleep though, tired from having been thoroughly fucked by the two of them as they had promised. 

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