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Alina moved in with Aleksander. Her aunt protested the whole time. "Are you sure about this?" Aunt Ana asked. "You know you don't have to move out. You can live with me. We're still family, Alina."

Alina smiled at her, carrying one of the few boxes of stuff she had. "Look, I don't think you ever wanted to be stuck taking care of me. And there's nothing wrong with it. But Aleksander and I are in love, and we're going to be together."

Aunt Ana frowned. "But you're so young. Don't you want to wait?"

"I lost my parents. I lost Mal. I'm not going to wait for anything anymore, I'm just going to grab things. Besides, um.... there's a little bit of a time thing."

"Time thing?" Aunt Ana asked.

Alina blushed. "I'm pregnant."

Aunt Ana coughed. "You're pregnant?"

She nodded. "We're going to get married in three months, because we want to wait to make sure the pregnancy sticks. Aleksander wanted us to get married sooner, but I said I thought that we should wait. Because everyone still thinks of me as Mals girlfriend. So, we're giving it some time, and then once we're sure that the baby is safe, we're going to get married and announce the baby."

Aunt Ana hugged her. "I'm happy for you. I wish you weren't so young, but I'm glad that you've found someone that loves you and will take care of you."

"I think we're going to have a really lovely life together, Aunt Ana. I'm sure of it."

They loaded Alina's things into the jeep, and then they made their way back to The Great House. It was a long journey, and they talked the whole time. Alina was glad for the time that they had gotten together. But she was also glad that she had a home now, and she wouldn't be a burden to her anymore.

When they arrived back at The Great House, Aleksander was there waiting for them. He greeted Ana coldly, and then he helped them move what little Alina had into the house. "Ana," Aleksander said once they had finished, and she was on her way out.

Ana turned to look at him. "Yes, Aleksander?"

"We're getting married at three months on the church in Keramazin. Would you like to come? You are Alina's family after all."

Ana smiled at him. "Are you sure? I know that I did a terrible thing to you, Aleksander, but I was trying to keep Genya safe. At least that was what I thought at the time. I didn't understand the whole situation, and I never imagined that she would be in the car with you."

Aleksander pressed his lips together. "I'm not here to go over past grievances, Ana. I am here to make sure that my fiancé has family at our wedding. We're going to be having a child soon, and I would like to make sure that child has all of the love that it deserves. You can be part of long as you don't try to kill me again."

Alina smiled at him. "Aleks, are you sure?"

Aleksander smiled. "Of course, I'm sure, Alina. I know how hard it has been for you doing everything by yourself. You have family that you actually like, and care for, and Ana should be part of the happy moments in your life if you want her to be part of the happy moments. Do you?"

Alina stood on her tip toes and she kissed him. "Of course, I want her to be part of that. I want our family to be as big as we possibly can. Lots of kids and lots of loved ones all around."

"If you want her there, she shall be there. If she wants to come, that is."

Ana smiled. "Of course I want to come."

"Good," said Aleksander, "I'll send you an invitation once we have things settled...I also wondered if you might like to come back to work here. My parents no longer own this place, and I thought it might be nice for you to have your home again."

Ana smiled. "I can move in tomorrow."

Aleksander grinned. "Good. Because we're going to need all of the help we can get, especially with the baby." 

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