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Once they finished their dinner, Alina expected that they would head out. Instead, the dishes were cleared, and Mal locked eyes with her. "We're going to have dessert now," he told her. The door opened, and the waitress brought in a tray with what appeared to be a bowl of melted chocolate, strawberries, and cream. She set them down on the table with a small smile, then left, locking the door behind her for them.

Alina raised an eyebrow. "Do we need a locked door for dessert?"

"The way I intend to do it, yes," he replied.

He moved the bowls off to a tiny corner of the table, and then told her, "Get on the table."

She blushed. "The table? Are you sure the table is meant to hold us?"

Mal smirked. "Maybe not. But I've got money. I can replace it for them if that becomes an issue. Besides, you're tiny, baby girl. I think the table can handle it."

"Maybe," she said, "but will it be able to handle you?"

He waggled his eyebrows. "Well, let's see what we can find out, hmm? Get on there."

Alina crawled onto the table and rolled onto her back so that Mal was looking down at her. "What now?" she asked.

He smiled, and then he stood in front of her, and inched her dress up. "You tell me if you want me to stop at any time. This might burn a little, sweetheart. I told them to make that chocolate hot."

She shook her head. "I don't want you to stop."

"Good," he replied, a glint in his eyes, and kept on lifting the skirt of her dress up further, his fingers lightly grazing her hips as he did, making her shiver. She had on a pair of black lace panties that she had gotten on her trip with Nina, and she saw Mal give them an appreciative once over.

"Saints, Nina really does have fantastic taste," he told her.

Alina smiled. "We did find some pretty, delicate little pieces. The better for you to rip off, my dear."

"Oh, I plan on it." He smirked, and then he placed a kiss on her stomach. "Even the fanciest of desserts isn't as sweet as your cunt, Lina. It's my favorite treat I'll have you know. So delectable. Hold her dress up for me at the sides and wait."

Alina did as told. Mal went to the other end of the table, and brought over the bowls of strawberries, cream, and chocolate, placing them on the other side. He took one of the strawberries and ate it himself, then he leaned over the table and fed one to Alina. She bit in, and red juice dribbled down her chin. A small moan came from him, and then he licked it up with his tongue, and ate the rest of the strawberry.

Then, he took the spoon from the bowl of chocolate and trailed it down her bare stomach all the way to her cunt. Alina hissed a little as the hot, sticky substance hit her skin.

"Alright, Lin?" he asked.

She nodded.

"Good," he told her, and then he placed the spoon back in the chocolate and did the same with the cream. Next, he took out his phone. "Smile pretty for Aleksander, huh?"

She laughed. "You're both impossible."

"Perhaps," he said, "but you're art. And we're the only ones that get to look at you, the lovely masterpiece that you are. Smile pretty."

She smiled, and he took a picture of her, laid out on the table, dress hiked up with chocolate and cream. Mal licked his lips, lowered his head, and he licked up the sticky mess with his tongue. Three licks it took, lazy and slow ones, and Alina shivered as he did it. Then, he pulled her black, lace underwear off, and when she was half naked before him he paused to take another picture to send to Aleksander.

"Art," he said, "fucking art, baby girl. That's what you are. You look so pretty like this. He got on the table then, straddling her, making Alina laugh as he did. He pulled her thighs apart, putting her legs over his shoulders, and then he was there, burying his face in her cunt, licking her.

She was completely helpless with his tongue in between her folds. She gripped the sides of the table to keep from falling off. "Malllll!" she cried out loudly, and she was amazed that no one burst in through the room of the restaurant then. She supposed Mal had paid extra for the privacy, and for the restaurant to turn the other way as he fucked her on their table.

He looked up at her, his wicked smirk on his face. "So nice and slick for me, baby. I am going to put my cock in you, and you are going to take all of my cum." He undid his pants, pulled down his boxers, and then slid his cock into her pussy. He thrust into her, and thrust, his skin slapping against hers, the table rattling underneath them so hard that Alina thought that they might break it. He called out her name, loudly, and Alina watched as his whole body tensed.

She felt him cum inside her, and Alina was seeing stars as he did. She wrapped her arms tightly around him, digging her nails into his back. He collapsed on top of her, his cock still inside of her. He kissed her neck, biting down hard on it. Alina gripped his shoulders tightly and cried out.

"Bastard," she snarled up at him.

He smirked down at her. "You don't even know the half of it, my sweet girl." He took another picture of them, him kissing her as she laughed, and sent it to Aleksander. Then, he said. "Come on. Aleksander is going to want a piece of you when we get home, I expect." 

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