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Mal moved over on the bed for Aleksander. He watched, off to the side, resting his chin on the palm of his head. Alina lay on the bed, her hair already a mess, her legs sticky with Mal's cum. Aleksander took his finger, wiping his brothers cum from her legs, and then he said, "Open up, Alina."

Alina opened her mouth. Aleksander stuck his finger inside her mouth, and she sucked. If she didn't like it, she showed no signs of discomfort. There was a kind of anger blazing in her eyes as she looked at him, but Aleksander could deal with her anger. "Hungry little girl," he said, as he reached out and played with her hair.

He spread her thighs apart. Then, he went and took both her legs, placing either one on his shoulders. She was already completely naked. Aleksander bent his head, and then he placed his tongue on his favorite part of her---in between her folds. Alina shuddered underneath him, a rasping sound coming from her. He lifted his head and grinned wickedly. "There's my lovely girl."

His tongue darted in and out of her folds, and he could feel her wetness. She was already slick from having had Mal inside of her. But she was desperate, and needy. He knew she was mad at him. He could feel the anger radiating off of her even now, as he tasted her with his tongue, it was still there. He pulled away, and then he put one finger inside of her. Then another. "Can you take more, Kiska?"

She was completely lost to him. Focused only on his touch. He liked knowing how much control he had over her. "I want...." She struggled to speak, her body arching, lost to the feeling of his fingers in her cunt. Aleksander grinned, and then he stood up and undressed.

Alina was laid out and naked before him. She bit her lip, and said, "I need you, Aleks." She sat up, cupped his chin in her hands, and kissed him deeply. A low moan escaped from Aleksander. He straddled her, then he slid his cock inside of her. He gripped the headboard as he thrust into her.

He did not take his time. He pumped into her, harder, and harder, grunting as he did. Alina's whole body clenched around his cock, and he grunted as he came inside of her. When he was done, Alina was spent. And so was he. Mal was still next to them, watching the whole thing. "What an energetic performance, Aleks. Making up for something?"

Aleksander reached out and stroked Alina's cheek. She looked up at him with wide eyes. "Are you satisfied, Kiska?" he asked.

Alina laughed. "Never when it comes to the two of you. But at the moment yes, I'm sated."

"Good," said Aleksander, "you should rest. You had a long night. I've got things that I have to do."

"It's a vacation. Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Alina pouted. "Come rest with me, Aleksander. That was the whole point of us coming here."

He kissed her again. "I'm the CEO of a major company, Alina. Work never stops. Even when I'm on vacation. Enjoy your rest. I'll have a servant go send up some food for you soon. Mal, you should get ready. You've got to get a gift, and you've got Genya's engagement party today."

"Right," said Mal, getting up and getting dressed. He leaned over the bed and kissed Alina. "I'll be back later tonight. You'll be here, I assume?"

Alina looked up at Aleksander. "I thought I might want to sleep back in Aleksander's room. If that's okay."

Aleksander grinned at her. "It's more then okay."

"Then, I'll see you there," said Mal. He patted Aleksander on the shoulder and left the two of them alone.

When Aleksander was certain that he was gone, he said, "I hope you aren't actually too tired. I've got a project for both of us today."

Alina raised an eyebrow. "A project? I thought you had to work."

"I wanted to distract Mal," Aleksander explained, "he's allergic to work, so I thought talking about it was the best way to keep him out of the way. Whatever you think of my secrets and lies Alina, you must know that I am doing it to keep the people that I love safe. Which is why you can't hate me when I say that Genya is coming here today before her engagement party, because it's for her own protection."

Alina flinched. "Why? How is lying to Mal about her and sneaking around with her keeping either of them safe?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "When Mal was in high school, we came really close to doing a merger with the Lantsovs. At the time, Genya was dating Mal. We even had a party to celebrate the merger and everything. Before the paperwork was even signed. That was how sure my father was about the whole thing. Well, the night of the merger, Petyr Lantsov, Nikolai's father was there. He was really drunk. Genya was working part time as a waitress, and she'd come to our house. Well, Petyr mistook Genya for the help and he...."

As he watched Alina, he couldn't bring himself to finish.

Alina froze. "Tell me he didn't do what I think he did."

"I wish I could.... but I can't."

Alina got up from the bed. "Is this just what you think the staff is good for? Fucking?"

He reached out and grabbed her by her wrist. "Alina, you know that isn't what I think. If I did, I wouldn't have gone out of my way to make sure the world understood who you are. By making you Mal's pretend girlfriend, I've given you a layer of protection in this world. Maybe not much, but people will respect you more because you're his girlfriend rather than just some groundskeeper's niece I'm screwing."

"How flattering," she said without any enthusiasm. "And Genya? Why all of this secrecy?"

"She got pregnant," said Aleksander, "I arranged for it to be taken care of. That was what she wanted. She didn't want to raise the child or to have to endure having it. At least, the last time I spoke to her she didn't. I arranged for her to sign an NDA, a non-disclosure agreement. I gave her the money she needed to get away."

"The investment for her company," said Alina.

"Yes," said Aleksander, "exactly. Genya didn't give up her child though. She had the boy, and he is being raised by her mother as her adopted brother."

"Why's that an issue? It was her choice."

"It's an issue because there's been some rumors that Nikolai Lantsov isn't the Lantsov heir. If Petyr finds out that he has a biological son, he'll do everything he can to make that boy his."

"Okay," said Alina, "so why are you telling me?"

"Because the Lantsov's are coming to Genya's engagement party. They're friends of her father, and they can't not invite them. It would look strange and cause people to gossip. Genya's bringing her son here. He's three. I was hoping you would help me watch him today."

"Because I'm the niece of a servant?" she challenged.

"Because," said Aleksander, "you're the only one I trust with this."

Alina hesitated. "Okay. I'll help you."

He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "Thank you, Alina. You have no idea what that means to me. Please, don't..."

She sighed. "I'm not going to tell Mal. I care for him too, you know. I don't want to hurt him either."

"Good," he said, "good." 

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