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The call came at about lunch from Alina. Aleksander was in his office, eating and working at the same time when her name flashed across his phone. Smiling, he said into the phone, "Hello, Kiska."

"I hate you," she hissed, spitting like the little kitten he'd come to think of her as.

"Are you wet, Alina?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered irritably, "and I'm trying on clothes and its miserable because every time I move, and I can't stop thinking about...."

He chuckled. "About what, Kiska?"

"I need to cum," she whimpered.

He licked his lips. "You can cum."

There was a pause. "Why do I feel like there's a but coming?"

"There always is," he said, "you've got to show yourself doing it. For Mal and me. Let us see how needy you are."

Alina took a while to answer. He could hear her breathing heavily into the phone, desperate.

"Say yes, Kiska, and I'll let you masturbate," he said, "you just have to switch your phone to facetime, we'll patch Mal in, and you can give us a show. Or I can make you feel very good at home if you wait."

There was the sound of movement on the other side of the phone. "I'm not doing anything," Alina insisted, "I'm not going to masturbate in a dressing room for you and Mal."

"Are you sure about that?" Aleksander asked. "We can give you a little relief between your thighs right now. All you've got to do is put on a show. After all, we'll want you nice and wet for us when you get home. Got to show us all of the pretty lingerie you've gotten. If you start with a preview now for us, like a good girl, we'll let you cum."

The call ended, and at first, he thought he'd annoyed her enough she wouldn't call back. But then his facetime rang, and he saw Alina, wearing black lace panties and a black bra. He grinned wickedly at her. "I like the color."

"Nina said it was your favorite," she said.

"It is indeed. Give me a second to patch Mal in." Aleksander called his brother.

"Hey," said Mal, "what's going on?"

"Alina wants to cum," he said.

Mal's eyes widened. "Oh, do you, Lina?"

"You're both terrible," she muttered, a pouty look on her face.

"Ah yes," said Aleksander, "but we can help you find the relief you've want. All you've got to do is ask. And show us."

"Yes, show us Alina," said Mal.

Alina bit her lip.

"You can even take out the butt plug," said Aleksander, "if you do this."

She bit down on her lip. "You're absolutely terrible."

Alina reached her hand in between her panties in the back, and they watched as she took the butt plug out. Alina let out a little whimper as she did.

Mal licked his lips. "Oh, that is a delightful sound. I should have that sound as my ringtone so I can hear it all of the time. What do you think, brother?"

Aleksander chuckled. "I think so too."

Alina scowled at them. "Don't you dare."

"Brazen, are we?" said Aleksander. "Alright, Kiska. Are you comfortable?"

Alina nodded.

"What should she do first, Mal?" Aleksander asked.

"I want to see those pretty breasts of hers. I've been dreaming about them all day. Show us your breasts, Alina."

Alina scowled at him. "Do you know how hard it was to get this stupid, black bra on? It's impossible."

"Well, you're not wearing it out of the store, are you?" Mal said, waggling his eyebrows.

"Exactly," said Aleksander, "show us those breasts, Kiska."

With a look of annoyance, Alina took the bra off, tossing it to the ground. "What now?" she scowled, and Aleksander chuckled.

"Angry little kitten," said Aleksander.

"Exactly," said Mal, "massage your breasts for us, Alina. I want to hear your breathy, little moans as you do."

Alina adjusted the camera, so that they could see her breasts, and then Aleksander saw as she played with her free hand. She massaged her left breast, and played with her nipple, twisting, and pulling, and the little cry that came from her mouth was enough to get him hard.

"Fuck," Aleksander muttered.

"Oh look at that, brother," said Mal, "look at her playing with her fucking tits. Oh, that's glorious."

"Yes," said Aleksander, "but I think we owe her a little relief, don't we?"

"Do we?" said Mal with a smirk.

"If you don't let me cum, I swear, I will hide away in my aunt's cottage and never let you touch me again," snarled Alina.

"Isn't she an angry little kitten?" said Aleksander. "I think I like her angry. Maybe we should keep her like this and then see what happens when she gets home."

"Exactly what I said," Alina snarled.

"We've got keys," Mal reminded her.

Alina sighed irritiably.

"Alright Alina," said Aleksander, "I suppose we'd better let you cum. But you're going to have to buy those black panties, you know? Because there's no way that you won't wind up wet."

"Aleksander," she was irritable, and he couldn't help but delight in it.

"Alright, Kiska," he said, "I want you to stick your hand in your panties and I want you to show us. Let us get a good view of you making yourself wet."

Alina adjusted the phone, and then he saw her fingers inching into her pussy. "Rub yourself, Alina," said Aleksander, "I want you to think of all of the things that we're going to do to you."

Alina made a whimpering sound. She rubbed herself with one finger, and then they watched as she came. Aleksander stiffened even more as he heard her breathy, little moans. And then----

There was a knock on the door.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Alina swore, and then the call ended abruptly.

Mal let out a laugh, as did Aleksander.

"Saints!" Mal exclaimed. "That was so worth it. I loved every minute of that. Oh, she's beautiful when she cums isn't she?"

"She's always beautiful," said Aleksander, "but especially then."

"Oh," said Mal, "brother----not to interrupt our fun, but I saw Ana today."

"Oh?" said Aleksander. "What did she say?"

"She was worried about Alina and wanted to know why she'd moved into The Great House," said Mal, "she didn't buy that it was for the internship."

Aleksander coughed. "What did you tell her?"

Mal winced. "I told her we were dating, and that we had been for a while. I didn't want to draw her suspicion and it was the first thing that came to mind."

He clenched his jaw. "No, you did right. We don't want her to be suspicious. We'll keep that up. This way we've got things covered on both ends. She can be with you and with me without Ana worrying."

"Then, you're not mad?" Mal said.

"No," Aleksander told him, "And I'm glad you told me. Thanks, for being honest."

"Anytime, brother. She's ours," said Mal, "no one else is ever going to take her from us."

"Exactly," said Aleksander. 

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