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The first thing Nina said to her when they got in the car Aleksander ordered for them was, "You've got a butt plug in, don't you?"

Alina blinked. She didn't know how to respond.

Nina smirked. "Don't feel bad. They did that to me too. Aleksander likes it. So does Mal. They're pretty much a unit in that. Although, Mal is----"

"Sweeter?" Alina offered.

Nina nodded. "He's always had to be. I think he was afraid they'd get rid of him if he wasn't a good kid. But he'll take good care of you though. Aleks, well, he'll possess you."

Alina bit her lip. "You know I still don't get it."

"Get what?"

"Why they've got to watch who the other fucks."

"It's all about competition, sweet thing. Always has been. You kind of only came around on holidays, right?"


"Well, I grew up with them. When Mal was four, the parents had a big birthday for him. They wanted him to feel like part of the family. Aleksander was annoyed watching Mal get all of the attention. When it came time for Mal to blow out his candles, Aleks pushed Mal's face into the cake."

Alina winced. "Charming," she muttered.

"Yeah, well. Mal got revenge the next year by tossing some action figure Aleks got into the pool the next year. Then, when they got older and girls became involved, they were constantly competing with each other. It got to the point where they were fighting at family functions and their father told them to 'get their shit together'. The worst was Genya, because she ended up having that horrible accident because she was so done with their shit. Mal started dating Zoya next and he saw Aleksander trying to do the same thing he did with Genya. Pit her against him. So, he told Zoya everything and Zoya came up with the solution of the two of them watching who the other fucked."

"It's fucked," Alina said.

Nina glanced over at her. "Sure, it is. But then, why are you doing it?"

Alina hesitated. "My parents were marine biologists. For a long time, it was just the two of us traveling the world together. I never had any place that made me feel like home. And even though it wasn't a whole lot, visiting Ana and the Morozova's always felt like home. Aleksander and Mal----I don't know. It feels like I'm supposed to be with them."

Nina reached out to squeeze her shoulder. "They'll treat you right. But you should still be careful, Alina."

"Why aren't you with them anymore? Did you really find someone else?"

Nina laughed. "I didn't find someone else. Not intentionally. Matthias found me and wouldn't let me go. He's very territorial in the best of ways."

Alina smiled. "Sounds like someone else I know."

"So," said Nina, "do you own lingerie?"

Alina shook her head. "I'm a cotton panties kind of girl."

Nina smirked. "While I'm sure the boys love that, we're going to get you some lingerie. Something that will make them go wild. Aleksander has a thing for panties. He'll like ripping yours off."

"Then why get fancy ones?" Alina asked.

Nina licked her lips. "Oh, you are so sweet. If I wasn't taken, I'd take you for myself. He likes ripping them off."

"Oh," Alina said with a blush.

"It's quite spectacular. Wait until they take you at the same time too."

Alina could very much feel the butt plug inside of her now. She whimpered, thinking about Aleksander and Mal being inside of her both at the same time.

Nina winked at her. "Don't get needy on me now, Starkov. We've got a full day of shopping ahead of us and I intend on making it happen. We're focusing on fashion today. Not fucking. Although if you were amenable I could make you cum and take pictures for the boys. I'm sure they'd love that."

Alina blushed. "I don't think I'm that adventurous yet."

Nina smiled. "Don't worry. You will be. As you've already guessed the boys do like to share. A lot. And Matthias and I enjoy sharing with them." 

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