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Alina slept, passed out with her legs straddled across Aleksander. It was not the most comfortable position to sleep in. But she was so exhausted, and so content, that she didn't move. It was several hours later when she heard Aleksander's voice calling her name, "Alina...."

She stirred in her sleep and woke up with Aleksander looking directly at her. She smiled at him. "Hello."

"Hello," said Aleksander, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of her face, "you look beautiful, thoroughly fucked. Did you know that?"

Alina blushed. "I can't say that I've paid much attention to myself after I've been fucked. I'm usually too tired because of all of the fucking that I've been doing."

"Mmm," said Aleksander, kissing her, "well that's good. It means the person doing it knows exactly what they're doing."

She rolled her eyes, a smile on her face. "Well, actually, the person I'm fucking is kind of selfish. They wanted it tall about them."

Aleksander grinned. "Well, he can't help it, you know? He likes the feeling of your cunt around his cock."

From the seat across the way, Mal coughed. "You two are disgusting."

"Jealous, brother?" Aleksander asked.

He glowered. "Perhaps a little. It was your cock she slept with inside of her, not mine. I feel cheated."

"We've got a whole weekend to escape and for you to have your fill. Come on. Let's go."

Alina got up and adjusted her dress. Aleksander reached out and squeezed her bottom. She let out a little shriek. "You're insatiable, aren't you?"

"Of course," he said. He took her hand, squeezing it tightly, and the two of them exited the plane together.

Mal was already at the black, sedan car that was waiting for them. He held the door open for her, and Alina slid in, sandwiched between the two. She hadn't even taken the time to realize that she wasn't in Ravka anymore.

The Islands were a small little province off the coast. They were unusual in that, no matter the weather in Ravka, it never snowed there. It was somehow always warm, and sunny, and even in the car, Alina was already beginning to sweat. She regretted wearing a dress, wishing she had pants and a t-shirt. But the boys weren't fond of anything that made it more difficult for her to get naked. It was easier to be in a dress, for them to simply take what they wanted.

"You alright, Lina?" Mal asked.

"It's hot out," she admitted, "I've adjusted to your Ravkaan summer."

"Are you implying our summers aren't hot enough for you?"

She smiled. "Not nearly."

"Well, we'll get you hot and bothered, if that is what you need," said Mal, with a wink, "that is, after all, how we like our girl you know?"

"I'm not talking about that kind of hot Mal," she said.

He grinned, then opened the door for her. She slid in, and the two brothers slid in after her. Mal and Aleksander sat on the other side of her.

"Why here?" Alina asked. "The Islands, I mean? Aren't you already supposed to be in vacation in The Great House?"

Aleksander laughed. "The Great House is our parents vacation house. The Island House is mine. I was gifted it when I turned twenty-one."

"How quaint," said Alina, "and here I wasn't aware vacation houses were in vogue for gifts."

"Don't worry," Aleksander said, "you don't have to give me anything so extravagant. Your cunt is the most delectable, extravagant thing that I could ever have."

Alina blushed.

Beside him, Mal rolled his eyes. "You do know how to say the sweetest things, don't you, Aleksander?"

"Of course, brother."

The car pulled to a stop then. Alina hadn't even noticed that they had been driving long enough for them to arrive. Mal got out of the car first, opening the door, Aleksander slid out after, and he helped Alina out of the car. She closed the door, then took in her surroundings.

The house was one of those boxy, modern things with windows that was on a hill, and overlooked the whole island. Below them, there was nothing but green, and forest. The ocean was off in the distance, with the sunlight glinting off of its surface. Alina let out a breath. The ocean had been her home for so long, traveling with her parents, it was strange to be back there again. So close to the thing that had taken them away from her. She should hate it, but she couldn't help but love it with all of her heart.

The ocean, she thought, was a lot like Aleksander and Mal. Rough, tumultuous, beautiful and dangerous all at the same time.

"Where'd you go, Kiska?" Aleksander asked. "You looked a little haunted for a second."

Alina blinked, and locked eyes with him. "Just thinking about the past," she said, trying not to sound too sad.

Mal must have understood that she was talking about her parents, because he took her other hand, squeezing it in his. She noticed a dark look cross Aleksander's face, and she gave Mal a light squeeze before she quickly dropped it. Alina couldn't fathom why, but she felt that Aleksander needed her more. He clung to her with a kind of desperation that she hadn't ever had from anyone before, even with Mal, who always seemed to be shoving her towards Aleks.

"Come on," said Aleksander, "let's go get into trouble, shall we?"

"I think we shall, brother," said Mal.

The three of them headed inside.

"Come on," said Aleksander, "you're sleeping in my room, Kiska."

It shouldn't have mattered much, but Alina felt at the beach house at least, it was Aleksander's world. And she shouldn't try to test it. So, she went up the stairs, to his room. And the minute he closed the door, that was when the divide happened. 

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