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The good of Aleksander and Mal was that they paid for everything. She had been spoiled rotten since being with them. That hadn't even included the cards they'd given her in her name that she hadn't even used yet. So far, everything bought for Alina had been charged to their cards. The bad thing was, Alina had forgotten to bring her purse to the restaurant. She assumed she wouldn't need it, and Aleksander tended to get huffy if she brought it.

Of course, Alina doubted she could have afforded anything at any of the places that they went to anyway. But now, as she ran away from the restaurant, she was aware of just how stupid that move was. She had no one on The Islands except for Aleksander and Mal. But she didn't like the idea of going back to them.

Her heals were hurting her, making her feet swell, and she hadn't even been walking for very long. She should have turned around and forced Aleksander and Mal to talk to each other like the adults that they were supposed to be. As she walked, she kept on expecting to hear the brothers coming after her.

Aleksander, at least.

But there was no one. She was alone, in a place that she had never been before. She had traveled her entire life. She had even been to The Islands before. But she had never been to the main city hub. Her family had tended to stay by the docks whenever they stayed somewhere, and only went into and out of research facilities.

It was cold out.

"Are you alright?" a young woman's voice stopped her. She had black hair, and blue eyes with brown skin. She was walking, her arm looped through a tall, young man with hazel eyes and blond hair.

The young man looked familiar, but Alina couldn't place him.

Alina hesitated. She didn't like the idea of talking with strangers. What did she tell them? That she was there visiting with her what? And did she dare mention that she was with the Morozova brothers?

The girl's boyfriend tilted his head to the side. "You look familiar. Have we met before?"

His girlfriend smiled. "Oh! You're Mal's girlfriend."

Alina stared at her, shocked. "You know Mal?"

She smiled. "I'm Zoya Nazyalensky," she said.

"Soon to be Lantsov," her boyfriend---fiance maybe---corrected.

Zoya laughed. "Overprotective brute." She placed a hand on her stomach. "Just because I'm carrying part of you, doesn't mean I become part of you."

"Perhaps not," he said, "but I've become part of you. And the world shall know it, Nazyalensky."

The pretty young woman laughed, as her partner kissed the knuckles of her hand. Something niggled in the back of Alina's mind, and she realized exactly who she had run into. Aleksander and Mal's ex-girlfriend, and her fiancé, Nikolai Lantsov. Also, the heir apparent to the company that was one of Morozova Industries.

"I'm fine," Alina lied, "I was just out on a walk."

"Without your shoes?" Zoya asked.

"Just wanted to give them a bit of the rest. I have them." Alina gestured to her shoes which were in her hand.

"Where's Mal?" Zoya asked. "I can't imagine he brought you here alone."

"Well, I got a little lost, I'll admit. I went for a walk after dinner to get some fresh air."

Zoya and Nikolai exchanged glances. Alina didn't like the looks that they were sharing. She should have just kept walking, but she could tell from the looks on their faces that getting around the two of them would be difficult.

"Why don't you get a ride with us?" Zoya asked. "We just got finished with dinner, and our car is right here. I've been to the Morozova's before. We can get you there, if you're lost."

Alina couldn't begin what the reaction would be if she came home with Mal and Aleksander's ex-girlfriend. Or the heir to the Lantsov company. But she was tired, and Aleksander and Mal didn't show any signs of coming to get her.

"Come on, Miss----"

"Alina," she said, "Alina Starkov."

"Miss Starkov," said Nikolai, "I was raised to be a gentleman, and a gentleman never lets a lady walk alone."

Alina locked eyes with him. "A lady never lets a gentleman get attacked by another gentleman. That's what will happen if you're the one that will take me back to Morozova house."

"Then it won't be Nikolai and me," said Zoya, "it will just be me."

"Zoya---" Nikolai objected.

"Come on," said Zoya, "Nikolai, do you really think that Aleksander is going to like seeing you pull up with her there? You've finally moved past your foolish nonsense from school. Don't let it start over again."

Nikolai sighed. "Fine. I'll see you at home. Be careful." He handed her the keys.

There was a red Ferrari parked nearby. Zoya kissed Nikolai, and then turned to Alina. "Shall we?"

Alina hesitated, grimacing. "Sure."

Alina went to the passenger seat and slid in. Zoya got into the driver's seat after her. Zoya put the keys in the ignition, and drove off.

"So," she asked after a moment of silence, "have you fucked them both at the same time yet?"

Alina laughed nervously. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Zoya laughed. "Oh, come on. I'm not stupid. I was with them. I know all about what happens with the Morozova brothers. I was the first, you know. I gave them the idea."

"Right," said Alina, "I know. They've told me all about it."

"All?" Zoya asked with a waggle of her eyebrows.

Alina blushed. "Not all. But the basics of it."

"You're pretty. Exactly their type. You're a little young though. How old are you?"

"Eighteen," she answered.

"I wouldn't mind sharing you," Zoya admitted.

Alina blushed again. "Er, thanks?"

Zoya smirked at her. "So, tell me Alina. Why are you walking home alone?"

Alina hesitated. "I don't know. I don't know what I stepped into. I thought it was supposed to be us together, and now...."

"Now, it's crumbling?" Zoya asked.

"That's how it always goes. It starts off good, and then it crumbles. Why do you think I left?"

Alina shook her head. "I don't think I can. My aunt works for them. There's too much to lose."

"Your aunt works for them?" Zoya asked. "Oh, now I remember who you are. You're not just Mal's girlfriend. You are Alina, Alina. The girl that he was in love with for all those years. Both of them."

She frowned. "Both of them?"

"Aleksander would always get annoyed whenever you called. He told Mal that it was improper for you to be close. He keeps a photo album of your time spent together as children. I used to catch him looking at it. That was why I left. I knew I was never going to be the girl that they ended up with, it was always going to be you."

Alina realized they had reached the house then.

"Be safe, Alina. If you ever need anything, you can always call." She slipped her a business card with her name on it. Alina took it, then got out of the car.

"Thank you, Zoya," she said.

Zoya smiled, then waved and backed down the driveway. When Alina went into the house, she didn't go up to Aleksander's room. She went up to the guest room and locked the door. The boys were not home, she had no idea when they would be, and she didn't know if she cared. 

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