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It was easiest for Mal to go to Alina's. They were friends, and it wouldn't look as suspicious. Although, with the internship, Aleksander could have gone. But he didn't want to press his luck with Ana. Mal was the less threatening of the two, with his boyish grin. When Aleksander came home from working at the office, Mal walked the short distance from The Great House to the cottage. Alina's light was off, which meant she must have taken Aleksander's advice and slept.

He couldn't help but smirk. He bent down and picked up a handful of rocks and gravel that he tossed up at her window. There was nothing for a moment. He picked up a second handful and tossed it up. There was the sound of movement, then the light flickered on, and the window opened. Alina stuck her head out. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

"I'm your excuse," he said, "we thought it would be less conspicuous if you were caught sneaking out with me then if you were caught sneaking out with Aleks."

"We work together," she reminded him.

"Perhaps. But your aunt likes me more. Come on."

Alina glanced behind her as if looking for something. "Give me a moment." She closed her window, then he saw the light in her bedroom turn off. The only light was the flash of her cellphone. He waited anxiously, hoping her aunt didn't wake up and catch him sneaking away her niece in the dead of the night.

He heard a door creaking, but he didn't see the front door open. He saw Alina coming around the corner with her backpack over her shoulder. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Did you bring your backpack?"

Alina hesitated. "It's all I've got. Everything I own is in this backpack. I spent one day trapped in the middle of the ocean and didn't know if I'd ever have anything again. The backpack comes with me."

"We need to get you some clothes," said Mal, "we'll have to take you shopping. Aleksander will like that."

"He's got a passion for fashion, does he?" Alina asked.

Mal chuckled. "No. He's just very bossy and territorial, in case you haven't noticed."

"I had. He told me not to wear panties or a bra."

Mal paused and groaned.

"Are you alright?"

He glanced over at her. "Do you mean to tell me that you don't have panties or a bra?"

"Yes," she said.

"Come on, Lina. Hurry up. We've got to get to The Great House." He took her hand and Alina paused, unmoving. "What's wrong? You're not having cold feet, are you?"

Alina shook her head. "No. But....your parents, they aren't there are they?"

Mal laughed. "Is that what you're worried about?"

"Well, what if they hear me? Hear us?"

"They're not going to hear you. One, Mum is too dopped up most of the time to even know what's going on. Second, Dad will be too black out drunk to know what's going on. Third, have you seen the fucking house Lina? Our rooms are all of the other way on the other side. They wouldn't hear us even if we were being murdered."

"Comforting," Alina muttered.

"Well, we can't all be as lucky as you. At least you and your parents actually liked each other. I always envied you because of that."

Alina smiled. "Mama liked you, you know."

"Did she?" he said.

She nodded. "She said I always looked happy when you called."

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