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Aleksander was in his office when Mal's name flashed across his cell phone. He answered it. "Hello, brother. How was your swim?"

There was a pause. "The swim didn't happen. We got distracted," Mal said.

"Malyen if you---"

"Relax, brother. I didn't sleep with her. All I did was lay the breadcrumbs, and plant ideas in her head."

"Ideas?" he asked.

"Her, in a bed, being shared by us. She asked if she could have a week to think about it," Mal told him.

"A week?" Aleksander said. "Do you think that we can really wait that long?"

"Aleks, she's going to be working with you during that same week."

He grinned. "So she is. How long do you think she'll make it?"

"Three days," Mal suggested.

Aleks smirked. "I bet I could make it two."

"That's a bit idealist, brother. I've never heard you talk about anyone this way."

"I can't explain it. She makes me very territorial. I become someone else thinking about her, Mal."

Mal was silent for a long while, and Aleksander thought that maybe he'd lost him. But then he heard a sigh. "You know I think that's where it started. With her. You and me, hating each other for as long as we did. When she visited, we were always close but...she watched you. And I didn't like it."

Aleksander smirked, despite knowing Mal couldn't see him over the phone. "If it helps, I didn't notice her then. She was just a skinny little brat that was annoying and hung around with you. And I thought you were a pain in the ass because I was supposed to be an only child."

"Yes, well. We've learned," said Mal, "Zoya taught us that, didn't she?"

He chuckled. "I suppose so."

"But I think we've found our favorite toy with Lina."

"So do I," said Aleks, "her first day in the office is tomorrow. Any suggestions?"

There was a pause. "Take her underwear," Mal suggested, "let us see how much of a good girl she can be for her boss."

Aleksander laughed. "I do like the sound of that."

"Thought you might."

The door burst open then. "Morozova what gave you the right?"

"Sir, I'm sorry, I couldn't stop her," his assistant, Fedyor, was calling over someone's shoulder. A mess of dark hair and anger that he realized was Alina. "She came in and she was demanding to speak to you and I didn't know who she was and-----"

Aleksander chuckled. "It's alright, Fedyor. Miss Starkov is an old family friend. We've some business to attend to. I'm fine."

Fedyor glared at Alina suspiciously. "Are you sure? I can call security. Ivan is just a call a way."

"Fedyor, as much as I know you'd love an excuse to talk to your husband during work, I am quite alright. Now please, lock the door behind you."

Alina stuck her tongue out at him in an adorably immature manner, and then she turned her attention back to him. Fury blazed in her brown eyes. "You told Mal that we had sex."

"Was it a secret?" Aleksander said. "Because I didn't know. Besides, I would think that you would appreciate honesty, Miss Starkov. I know I appreciate honesty in a relationship."

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